- He doesn't treat them as chattels or meat. 他不会像对待奴隶或者傻瓜那样对待他们。
- Treat them as fillips, not as surrogate teachers. 把他们当作是刺激,而不是老师的替代品。
- He spat at their ideas, treating them as childish. 他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。
- Treat Them as Blades 用人如用刀
- He spat at their ideas,treating them as childish. 他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。
- I thought that since human ancestors, they should treat them as Notre Dame? 我想,既然是人类的先祖,那就应该把她们称为圣母?
- These professionals,like us,are cadres of the Party and the state and we must never treat them as outsiders. 他们同样也是党和国家的干部,决不应该见外。
- Our policy towards the big bourgeoisie capitulationists is to treat them as enemies and resolutely strike them down. 我们对于大资产阶级投降派的政策是把他们当作敌人看待,坚决地打倒他们。
- We try to lump together a set of inputs and outputs, so as to treat them as a single commodity. 我们想把一组进货和出产总加在一起,以便把它们作为单一商品对待。
- This tells selpg to look for form feed characters in the input and treat them as the page delimiters. 该命令告诉selpg在输入中寻找换页符,并将其作为页定界符处理。
- Your parents pay our a lot for you, but you treat them as a cold blooded animal. 父母为你付出那么多,你却如此对待他们,你真是个冷血动物。
- These professionals, like us, are cadres of the Party and the state and we must never treat them as outsiders. 他们同样也是党和国家的干部,决不应该见外。
- Once we reduce people to a single attribute of their lives or personalities, we've ceased to treat them as fully human. 一旦我们把人们还原为具有生命或者个性的单独个体,我们就会停止那样把他们当作完人来对待。
- He really cares about the well-being of his players.He doesn't treat them as chattels or meat. 他真的很在乎球员们的感受,而不是他们当奴隶或者一块肉那样来对待。
- The government's policy has been to treat them as illegal immigrants and to repatriate them to the Mainland,in batches,by land and air. 当局的政策是把他们视为非法入境者,并把他们遣返内地。当局分别从陆路及以飞机把这些非法入境者分批遣返。
- They usually have almost the same calorie content as the regular version, and yet we subconsciously treat them as if they were caloric-free. 它们的卡路里含量通常与普通产品差不多,但我们下意识地认为它们不含卡路里。
- The modern viewpoint adheres to the notion that polygyny degrades women, treating them as property and slaves. 现代观点坚持一夫多妻制贬低女性地位的观念,认为它把她们作为财产和奴隶。
- Once we realize that doctrines of orthodoxy evolved over time, we stop treating them as timeless. 一旦我们认识到正统的教义历经时日不断演化,我们就不再把它看作是永恒的。
- The government's policy has been to treat them as illegal immigrants and to repatriate them to the Mainland, in batches, by land and air. 当局的政策是把他们视为非法入境者,并把他们遣返内地。 当局分别从陆路及以飞机把这些非法入境者分批遣返。
- Unleash justice against the vampire nation as Blade. 像刀锋一样对抗吸血鬼国家释放正义。