- Research on Application of HACCP to the Production of Tricholoma Matsutake Can for Expert to Japan HACCP在输日松茸罐头生产中的应用探讨
- Keywords Tricholoma matsutake can;hazard analysis;critical control point;critical limit; 松茸罐头;危害分析;关键控制点;关键限值;
- Tricholoma matsutake can 松茸罐头
- Study on Chitosan Preservation Films Coating Tricholoma matsutake Sing. 壳聚糖涂膜处理松茸保鲜技术的研究。
- Title: Study on Chitosan Preservation Films Coating Tricholoma matsutake Sing. 关键词:壳聚糖;涂膜;松茸;保鲜
- Tricholoma matsutake is of high research potential both medicine and nutrition. 结论:说明松茸在医学和营养学上都有很高的研究价值,值得大力开发利用。
- Title: Structural Characteristics of Glycoprotein from Mycelium of Tricholoma Matsutake Sing. 关键词:松口蘑;菌丝体;糖蛋白;结构性质
- The deep fermentation technique of Tricholoma matsutake is systemically studied in this paper firstly. 对松口蘑深层发酵工艺进行系统研究。
- Objective To investigate the method and optimum conditions of Tricholoma matsutake mycelium fermentation. 目的研究松茸菌丝体液体发酵方法和最佳条件。
- To analyze the composition and determination of amino acids in Tricholoma matsutake and evaluate the nutrition. 摘要测定松茸中各种氨基酸的含量,并对其进行营养评价。
- The composition and determination of amino acids in Tricholoma matsutake was analyzed with the automatic amino acid analyzer. 方法:采用氨基酸分析仪测定了松茸中各种氨基酸的组成。
- The relationship between Tricholoma matsutake circle spreading and 13 chemical element contents in soil was studied preliminarily. 初步研究了松茸圈扩散与土壤中13种化学元素含量之间的关系。
- The above results indicate that the ectomycorrhiza formed between Pinus densiflora and Tricholoma matsutake is obviously different from the typical ectomycorrhiza. 以上结果表明,松口蘑与赤松形成的外生菌根与典型的外生菌根明显不同。
- The problems of sustainable exploitation and utilization of Tricholoma matsutake were discussed, and rational measures to solve these problems were proposed. 提出持续开发利用松茸的具体措施。
- If the environmental condition is advantageous, 7? matsutake can restrain and expel the most kinds of microbes in definite extension. 当环境条件有利时,松口蘑能够在一定的范围内抑制和驱逐大多数土壤微生物。
- At the same time, have a valuable large-scale forest fungi mushrooms, mushrooms, morel, Hericium erinaceus, Boletus, Tricholoma matsutake, black fungus, the ears, 194 kinds of silver. 与此同时,拥有珍贵大型林木真菌蘑菇、香菇、羊肚菌、猴头菌、牛肝菌、松茸、黑木耳、金耳、银等194种。
- In this paper, four mycelia were respectively isolated from their lamella of Tricholoma matsutake in Changbai Mt. with selected culture media, which were identified with RAPD Marker. 摘要利用筛选的分离培养基从4个长白山松口蘑菌褶中各自分离了菌丝体,应用RAPD标记对其真伪进行了鉴定。
- Braised Ormer Chest with Tricholoma Matsutake 鲍脯扒松茸
- Advanced Studies on Tricholoma matsutake 松口蘑的研究进展
- Current Trends of Tricholoma matsutake Research 松口蘑的研究热点