- Trirnalleolar ankle fracture 三踝骨折
- Ankle fracture (make plaster stone) is gift of general need how long nice ah? 脚踝骨折(打石膏了)一般需要多长时间才能好呀?
- Base of 4 moons after ankle fracture operation is treated still aches swollen still, normal? 脚踝骨折手术治疗后4个月脚还疼还肿,正常吗?
- Objective:Exploring the therapentic experience to those patients with both ankle fracture and tibiofibular injuries. 目的:探讨小夹板治疗双踝骨折伴下胫腓韧带损伤的经验。
- Conclusion: Absorbable screw is ideal fixation in treating three ankle fracture. 结论:可吸收螺钉是治疗三踝骨折较理想的内固定物。
- All patients were treated surgically with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) except one medial ankle fracture with closed reduction. 除1例单纯内踝骨折行闭合复位空心拉力螺钉内固定外,其余均行切开复位内固定,术后第2天开始患肢肌肉和关节功能康复训练,4周开始部分负重。
- Conclusion:The clinic effect of using small splint and elastic bandage in treating patients with double ankle fracture and tibiofibular ... 结论:小夹板加弹性绷带治疗双踝骨折伴下胫腓韧带损伤的方法明显优于小夹板加普通绷带固定,且操作简便,具有较好实用价值。
- This study sought to determine the effect of the number of cortices of screw purchase and ankle position on syndesmosis width and tibiotalar rotation in Weber C ankle fracture fixation. 本研究将探索在WeberC型踝关节骨折固定中,螺钉固定骨皮质数目及踝关节位置对于下胫腓联合宽度和胫距旋转的影响。
- To summarize the clinical application and complications of macromolecule absorbable internal fixation materials in the treatment of instable ankle fracture, and prospect its future. 摘要对高分子可吸收内固定材料在不稳定踝关节骨折中的临床应用以及并发症进行综述,并探讨其发展前景。
- Objective To evaluate the treatment and law of the lesion of astragalar cartilage in ankle fractures. 目的探讨踝关节骨折伴距骨软骨损伤的规律及治疗。
- The prominence of the hardware is a frequent cause of pain after the fixation of ankle fractures. 金属植入物的凸起是导致踝关节骨折内固定后疼痛很常见的原因。
- Objects:To study the effect of ankle function restoration in ankle fractures with early operation. 目的:探讨踝关节骨折的早期手术对踝关节功能恢复的影响。
- Abstract: 摘要Objectives: Biomechanical and clinical studies have shown that syndesmosis screws may be indicated in repairing Weber C ankle fractures. 目的:生物力学和临床研究显示在WeberC型踝关节骨折时,下胫腓联合螺钉是必要的。
- Unstable ankle fractures in diabetic patients without neuropathy or vasculopathy are best treated with open reduction and internal fixation with use of standard techniques. 无神经病变或血管病变的不稳定踝部骨折的糖尿病患者最好接受标准的切开复位内固定治疗。
- His sprained ankle has puffed up. 他那扭伤的脚踝肿起来了。
- The doctors have taped up my swollen ankle. 医生们用绷带把我肿起的脚踝包扎起来。
- The doctor bandaged his broken ankle. 医生把他受伤的脚踝包扎起来。
- Analysis of one Case Tibiofibular Diastasis without Ankle Fracture 单纯下胫腓联合分离一例的诊治分析
- He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump. 他跳远时扭伤了左踝。
- He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle. 他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕。