- A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum)first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed. 双粒小麦一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
- A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed. 双粒小麦一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
- a Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed 双粒小麦,一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
- Triticum dicoccum 二粒小麦
- Wheat Germ Oil Triticum aestivum L. 小麦胚芽油。
- Analysis on the Agronomic Traits of Triticum polonicum L. 波兰小麦主要农艺性状分析。
- Genetic variability of gliadin in Triticum compactum Host. 醇溶蛋白遗传多样性分析。
- Title: Genetic variability of gliadin in Triticum compactum Host. 关键词:密穗小麦;醇溶蛋白;遗传多样性;聚类分析
- A hardy wheat(Triticum turgidum, formerly T.durum)used chiefly in making pasta. 硬粒小麦一种硬粒麦(硬粒小麦原为粗麦小麦属),主要用于制作意大利面食(通心粉及细面条等)
- The Role of DNA Hypermethylation in Salt Resistence of Triticum aestivum L. DNA超甲基化在小麦耐盐胁迫中的作用。
- Study on Genetic Diversity of Triticum Aestivum and Aegilops tauschii. 山羊草及普通小麦遗传多样性的研究。
- Chromosomal Structural Variation in Long-term Cultures Triticum aestivum L. 长期继代小麦培养细胞的染色体结构变异特征。
- A hardy wheat(Triticum turgidum,formerly T.durum)used chiefly in making pasta. 硬粒小麦一种硬粒麦(硬粒小麦原为粗麦小麦属),主要用于制作意大利面食(通心粉及细面条等)
- This result shows that rice genome data have some transferability in Triticum. 这表明以水稻基因组序列开发的ACGM标记在小麦中有一定的通用性。
- Taxon (pl.taxa) A group of any rank in taxonomy. Ranunculaceae (a family) and Triticum (a genus) are examples. 分类单位:分类学中处于任何等级的一个群体。例如毛茛科(科级)和小麦属(属级)。
- The gliadin patterns of 9 Triticum polonicum and 2 T. petropavlovskyi were analyzed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophores is (APAGE) method. 利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(APAGE)对9份波兰小麦和2份新疆稻麦进行了醇溶蛋白分析。
- High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits Variation in Triticum macha Dek. Et Men. 马卡小麦高分子谷蛋白亚基遗传变异分析。
- Cloning and Analysis of the Salt-tolerant Correlative Gene in Triticum AsetivumL. 小麦耐盐相关基因的克隆与分析。
- The Research of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Triticum L. 小麦属植物化学成分及药理研究进展。