- Angiosperm pollen flora of tropic and subtropic China. 中国热带亚热带被子植物花粉.
- It distributes mainly in the Mediteranean sea, tropic and subtropic zone of east hemisphere. )属鳞翅目、夜蛾科昆虫,主要分布于地中海、东半球热带及亚热带地区。
- Dry rosin is best in tropic and soft rosin in cold climate. 干的松香在热带最适用,而软的松香适用于寒冷的气候。
- Tropic and subtropic 热带和副热带
- With a unique climate, all the region of Dinghu Mountain is covered by tropic and subtropical forests, 鼎湖山整个地区为热带,亚热带森林所覆盖,气候独特。
- One species: tropical and subtropical E Asia. 一种:东亚的热带和亚热带的。
- Preserved fruits were very popular in the tropics and subtropics. 果脯是热带亚热带地区比较流行的一种休闲食品。
- Dengue fever is an important epidemic disease distributing in tropic and sub tropic region.Many countries and WHO work hard to prevent its development. 摘要:登革热是全球热带与亚热带的重要流行疾病,许多国家正同世界卫生组织积极防治疫情发展。
- Furthermore, the proportion of Tropic and Cathaysia elements both at family and genus level in the pteridophyte flora were much greater. 而在蕨类植物区系中热带成分和华夏成分所占比重更大。
- They are more prevalent in soils of the tropical and subtropical regions. 它们在热带和亚热带地区的土壤中较为普遍。
- The practice of practical animadvert theory embodies the unification between subject and object and subjective tropism and actualize human society through practice. 实践批判理论的主体实践是能动性主导受动性的统一,充分体现人的主体向度,不断改变实践的方式,其目的是实现人类社会即人类自由解放的社会。
- In general, it is found in most tropical and subtropical areas of the world. 总之,在热带和亚热带大部分地区都有地中海实蝇的发生。
- This paper puts forward and analyses the principle, the tropism and the means of establishing the tax policy in amalgamating the two taxes. 本文重点提出和分析了“两税”合并中确立税收优惠政策的原则、优惠政策的取向和优惠方式。
- About 180 species: temperate and subtropic regions; nine species (one introduced) in China. 大约180种:温带和亚热带的地区;中国有9种(1种为引进栽培)。
- Distribution: Tropical Africa; commonly naturalized in tropics and subtropics. 原产地:热带非洲;广泛归化于热带及亚热带地区。
- The two latter are short of in mathematics teaching practicing.They should be both as main value tropism and be established. 为从宏观上明确如何改进数学教学价值取向,提出了如下方向与策略:摆脱“非此即彼”思维方式的束缚;
- Mangroves grow at estuaries and mudflats throughout the tropics and subtropics. 红树林是生长在热带与亚热带海滨河口软泥地之树林或灌丛。
- About 30 species:throughout the tropics and subtropics; three species in China. 大约30种:在整个期间热带和亚热带;中国有3种。
- About 20 species: temperate and subtropical regions; one species in China. 大约20种:温带和亚热带的地区;在中国的一种。
- As a fundamental value tropism and principle to construct the ideal societies, the idea and thinking of equality has been of long standing in human history. 平等思想作为建构理想社会的一个基本价值取向和原则,在人类思想史上源远流长。