- Trouble is my middle name 苦恼是我的名字
- Yes. Jerry is my first name, David is my middle name, and Hanna is my last name. 是的。杰利是我的名字。大卫是我的中名,汉纳是姓。
- Winner Of The Pusan Film Festival's Best First Film, Jealousy is My Middle Name is a complex and subtle character study, as well as a suspenseful thriller. 宏星虽然己大学毕业,但为了储钱出国进修,到了一间出版社工作。出版社社长容石已婚多年,仍经常拈花惹草,甚至向宏星的女友下手。
- I'm Diana。This name is my middle school teacher gave me. 我是黛安娜。这个名字是我的中学老师给我起的。
- 'Patience' is my middle name! 我的最大特点就是有耐心!
- Jealousy Is My Middle Name 妒忌就是力量
- My trouble is my good memery,if I can forget all the things happened in my past,everyday will be a new starting,how happy it could be. 人的烦恼就是记性太好,如果可以把所有事都忘掉,以后每一日都是个新开始,你说多好。
- Trouble is brewing in the trade unions. 工会正酝酿著闹事。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- His trouble is all over with his death. 他的烦恼随着他的死结束了。
- The trouble isn't over yet, I'll warrant you. 麻烦事并没有完,我可以给你打包票。
- The trouble is that my father is ill in bed. 麻烦的是家父正卧病在床。
- My trouble is nothing to theirs. 我的困难比起他们来算不了什么。
- Trouble is boiling up in the Middle East. 中东局势一触即发。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。
- It seems to me that patience is his middle name. 我觉得忍耐是他的特性。
- All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents. 这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的。
- Good service is his company's middle name. 他的公司以服务良好著称。
- It is my painful duty to tell him he is dying. 要我把他即将去世的事告诉他,这使我十分为难。
- This is where you type your middle name. 请在这里键入您的中间名。