- Our friendship is based on trust and honesty. 我们的友情是建立在信任和诚实的基础上的。
- Our friendship is built on trust and honesty. 我们的友谊是建立在信任和忠诚的基础上的。
- The "clink" was a sign of trust and honesty. 所以"碰杯"代表信任与诚实。
- The \'clink\' was a sign of trust and honesty. 碰杯是一种信任和诚信的标志。
- I quoted from earthman.Trust as fragile as glass, it’s easily cracked.At the end of the day, only trust and honesty count. 我更坚信,无论两岸在未来是两国或一国,都可以是互利互信的一家人的!
- crisis about the trust and honesty 诚信危机
- We can confide in Barbara's sincerity and honesty. 我们可以信赖芭芭拉的诚意与诚实。
- But we are a long way from clarity and honesty. 但我们离透明和坦诚还相去甚远。
- Hard work and honesty are the keys to success. 努力工作和诚实是成功的秘诀。
- What Hinders Trust and Communication? 是什么妨碍了信任和沟通?
- Brigitte: And honesty and sincerity. 林:还(需要)诚实和真挚。
- Bob redeemed his character by hard work and honesty. 鲍勃以勤奋工作和忠诚老实来弥补自己的不足。
- Beijing International Trust and Investment Co. 和北京国际信托投资公司。
- We have trust and respect for individuals. 我们信任和尊重个人。
- Without trust and honesty, a man will not be well established and an enterprise will surely go bankrupt--A comparison of the credit systems between China and western countries 人无信不立企业无信必垮--中外信用体系比较
- Higher level of trust and surrender. 将信任与服从的层次拉高。
- We will respond your trust and support with action. 我们将用行动回报您的信任和支持。
- I.t.a.l.y: I trust and love you. 我信任并爱着你。
- Thank you so much for your trust and support. 非常感谢您对我们公司的支持和信任。
- Hard work and honesty are placed at a premium in this high school. 这所中学重视勤奋和诚实。