- Tun Pun 屯堡婚姻
- The slogan was a pun on the name of the product. 广告标语与其产品名称一语双关。
- He would pun you into shivers with his fist. 他会用拳头把你打得稀巴烂。
- Elder Pun was a towering figure in my life. 潘前人是后学生命中的一位崇高之大人物。
- We have a lot of choices in San Li Tun Bar Street. 三里屯那条街上有很多酒吧可供选。
- You certainly did me an ill tun. 你确实陷害了我。
- Shanghai Da Tun Energy Holding Co., Ltd. 上海大屯能源股份有限公司。
- The pun is the dung of the mind which soars. 隐语是飞着的精灵所遗的粪。
- One drep of poison infects the whole tun of wine. 一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅汤。
- Far be it from me to insult the pun! 我毫不亵渎隐语。
- Choice!Dragon Tun gold handed hammer? 精品!“龙吞金瓜手锤”?
- Enantiosis is a special form of pun. 反语是双关的一种特殊形式。
- One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。
- "Xue Li Tun goods" is a unique new school motto. “敦品励学”是学校新颖独特的校训。
- The slogan is a pun on the name of the product. 那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关。
- A freesoul is somewhat of a pun. “自由之魂”有点寓意双关的意思。
- Ko’zlaring bekildi, qora tun bo’ldi dunyo. 闭上眼睛,整个天空是黑的。
- Hat die Fastnacht etwas mit der Religion zu tun ? 狂欢节与宗教案有关吗?
- As for a pun itself, it is almost untranslatable. 就双关语本身来说,它几乎是不可译的。
- Press the button to tun down the machine. 你按下这个按钮就可以关机。