- Tunisian Dinar 突尼斯第纳尔
- Tunisian ??, a news came out : RMB appreciation! 突然,一条新闻爆出:人民币升值!
- Winter cold was already descending upon Tunisian highlands. 冬季的严寒已降临突尼西亚高地。
- Pray that Tunisian society openly accepts Tunisian Christians. 祷告突尼西亚社会敞开接受当地的基督徒。
- Places to go: Tunis - Tunisian National Tourism Office site. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The outcome of the Tunisian Compaign was of course eminently satisfactory. 突尼西亚战役之结束是非常满意的。
- Since then, the Kuwaiti dinar has risen by nearly 5% against the dollar. 此后至今,科威特第纳尔对美元已经上涨了近5%25。
- A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. 安纳巴阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼西亚边界。
- The Tunisian monarchy was abolished in 1957, and Bourguiba became president. 1957年废除君主制,当选为总统。
- He never kept one dinar or one dirham in his house except he gave it to the poor. 从没不家里存一迪纳尔或一迪拉姆钱,除非是给穷人的。
- We are interested in buying kuwait dinar, can accommodate any volume. We can provide USD/EURO forei... 有意购买科威特货币,数量不限。我们可提供美元/欧元外汇。若能实行银行对银行程序请联系我们。谢谢。
- If the Tunisian affair goes really sour, it might just start a new military revolt. 如果突尼斯的情况真的很糟,可能引起新的军事叛变。
- Not sure if the soldiers' view is more of Iraq Dinar going up, or US Peso going down. "很多在伊拉克的美军士兵,虽然只有军饷支票的有限收入,但却把美元换了新的伊拉克货币,..."
- Second is the fall of the dollar, to which all Gulf currencies are pegged except the Kuwaiti dinar. 第二,美元贬值,所有湾区国家本币都是盯住美元的,除了科威特的第纳尔。
- But buyers beware, because there is no proof that the dinar will make a comeback anytime soon. 他们其中的风险,所以建议投资与明智的专业人士的帮助。
- Here are a few things for would-be investors to consider before venturing into ownership of the dinar. 股市是一个复杂的领域 , 需要很好地理解和知识 , 以达到有吸引力的回报。
- The Ambassador invited the guests to have a taste of the Tunisian flavor snacks. 大使阁下请来宾品尝突尼斯风味小点心。
- Zied Saadaoui Economic Counselor Tunisian National Tourism Office - Embassy of Tunisia China? 突尼斯国家旅游观光局-中国大使馆?
- Many draw their wages from Serbia proper, do business in the Serbian dinar, and where possible get their services from the north. 很多人从塞尔维亚领取工资,或是用塞尔维亚货币第纳尔做生意,他们很有可能获得来自北方的帮助。
- Baba Zhan with the visiting Tunisian Foreign Minister Abdullah held a joint press conference reporters when he said. 巴巴詹是在与到访的突尼斯外长阿卜杜拉举行联合记者招待会时作出上述表示的。