- Chapter Two is the discussion of the economic and cultural types of the peoples of Turkic language family. 第一章参考近期学术界的研究成果,概述我国突厥语族诸民族的族源及历史形成过程。
- Azeri is a Turkic language, belonging to the southern branch of the Altaic language family (therefore non Indo-European). 阿塞拜疆语属于突厥语族,是阿尔泰语系(非印欧语系)的突厥南部语言的分支。
- The Turkic language of Azerbaijan. 阿塞拜疆语阿塞拜疆的土耳其语
- Turkic language family 突厥语族
- The Turkic language of the Turkmen. 土库曼语:土库曼人说的突厥语。
- The Turkic language of the Kirghiz. 吉尔吉斯语吉尔吉斯人讲的突厥语言
- The Turkic language of the Uigurs. 维吾尔语维吾尔人的土耳其语
- The Turkic language of the Uzbeks. 乌兹别克语乌兹别克人使用的突厥语
- The Turkic language of the Yakut. 雅库特语雅库特人使用的突厥语
- The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash. 楚瓦什语楚瓦什人说的突厥语
- A language family of Europe and Asia that includes the Turkic, Tungusic, and Mongolian subfamilies. 阿尔泰语系亚欧语系,包括土耳其、坦格维西克和蒙古等次语系
- Turkic language from "Kaposi", meaning "melon. 源于突厥语“卡波”,意思即“甜瓜”。
- A branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes Tibetan and Burmese. 藏缅语族汉藏语系的一个包括藏语和缅甸语的分支
- A language family of Europe and Asia that includes the Turkic,Tungusic,and Mongolian subfamilies. 阿尔泰语系亚欧语系,包括土耳其、坦格维西克和蒙古等次语系
- The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of Greek. 希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支
- A subgroup of the Austronesian language family. 马来-波利尼西亚语澳洲语系中的一个次语系
- Of or constituting the Iroquoian language family. 易洛魁语系的属于或构成易洛魁语系的
- A North American Indian language family of Washington and Oregon. 奇努克语组分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组
- The use of Uzbek language belongs to Altaic Turkic language branch, West Huns. 使用乌孜别克语,属阿尔泰语系突厥语族西匈奴语支。
- A branch of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken in the upper Niger River valley. 曼丁哥语尼日尔刚果语族中的一支,尼日尔河上游河谷地区的人说此语