- Two Faces of My Girlfriend 双面女友
- My girlfriend demands a lot of my time. 我的女朋友需要我许多的时间。
- My girlfriend is jealous of my female friends. 我的女朋友总是嫉妒我其他的女性朋友。
- Poverty and wealth were seen as the two faces of the same coin. 贫困和富裕被看成是一块硬币的两面。
- I can not believe he let my secret out in front of my girlfriend. 我不敢相信他会在我女友面前抖出我的秘密。
- I pictured the faces of my husband and children. 丈夫和孩子们的面容呈现在我眼前。
- In face of my great father, what should I do? 面对伟大的父亲,我该做些什么?
- Face of my chelonian ahead always has white thing. 我龟头里面总是有白色的东西。。
- That son of a gun tried to pick up my girlfriend. 那坏蛋想钓我的女友。
- Gouge or infilling is the material between two faces of a structural discontinuity such as a fault. 断层泥或充填物是指一个不连续面(如断层)的两个表面之间的物质。
- The problem remains, however, of bringing together the two faces of the Dhamma without sidling into self-contradiction. 然而,怎样协调佛法的这两面同时避免自我矛盾,仍是个问题。
- Abstract: In his new book, The Two Faces of Liberalism, Gray aims to establish a realistic and highly practical liberal thought. [内容提要]雷在他的新作《自由主义的两种面貌》里,尝试重建一具有现实性并富实践生机的自由思想。
- My girlfriend slapped me because I accidentally called her the name of my previous girlfriend. 我的女朋友拍打我,因为我无意中叫她我前任女朋友的名字。
- Classic film clips Eg: I was going to break up with my girlfriend, but I have a change of my heart and decided not to. 我原本打算和我女友分开的,但是我决定不了。
- Peter Bacharch, Morton S. Baratz, Two faces of power, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 56, No. 4 (Dec., 1962), p947-952. 龚虹波.垃圾桶模型述评:兼谈其对公共政策研究的启示\\.理论探讨,2005,(6):106-108
- They fall like flies in the face of my one true army. 在我的部队面前,他们就像苍蝇一样纷纷掉在地上。
- CCD image sensor is used for measuring the distance be tween the transmitted beams from the two faces of the Fabry-Perot plate. 提出了一种基于法布里珀罗板和正弦相位调制干涉术的角位移测量新方法。
- My girlfriend has a blue awning on her house. 我的女友的房子上有一顶蓝色的雨篷。
- Another of my pet peeves is I hate it when I'm with my girlfriend, there's a third guy, sitting there, bla, bla, bla, you know. 还有就是我讨厌和我女朋友在一起时,别人坐在旁边,唠唠叨叨的。
- Princess: Please, I'll look upon the face of my rescuer. 公主:拜托,我想看看我的救命恩人的面孔。