- UN Marks World AIDS Day 联合国机构举行世界艾滋病日纪念活动
- Wen, who makes such annual visits to mark World AIDS Day, observed Monday, held hands with children orphaned by AIDS and spoke to patients in beds. 周一是世界艾滋病日。温总理每年这个时候都会进行类似的拜访。他和艾滋孤儿们手牵手,还与躺在病床上的病人交谈。
- Chinese AIDS activist Li Xige says authorities have forced her to leave Beijing and return to her home province after she attended ceremonies marking World AIDS Day in the capital. 中国爱滋病活动人士李喜阁说,她参加了在首都北京纪念世界爱滋病日的仪式之后,有关当局强迫她离开北京,回到河南家中。
- World AIDS Day is December first. 12月1日是世界艾滋病防治日。
- The concert will be screened globally by MTV on World AIDS Day on December 1. 他说:“南非人民曾经神圣地与种族隔离作斗争,我们现在正面临一场比反种族隔离更艰巨地任务。”
- World AIDS Day is commemorated around the globe on 1 December every year. 1988年开始,每年的12月1日是世界艾滋病日。
- The opening of the Parliament on the first of December coincided with World AIDs Day. 会议开幕首日十二月一日恰巧就是全球爱滋病之日。
- On this World AIDS Day, it is the stories of overcoming, and not just illness, that the world needs to hear. 值此世界艾滋病日,我们不仅要聆听疾病的故事,更要倾听人们战胜病魔的故事。
- On Dec 1st,World AIDS DAY,the inaugural meeting of the "cherishing life" group of the Peking University Young Volunteer team,was held in the college. 12月1日是世界艾滋病日,这一天,北京大学青年志愿者总队“关爱生命”分队成立大会在北大召开。
- But on1 December2003, communities, organizations, and institutions affected by HIV/ AIDS will observe World AIDS Day with common solemnity and resolve. 可是在2003年12月1日,受到爱滋病波及的社区、织、构将以肃穆和决心来纪念世界爱滋病日。
- On Dec 1st, World AIDS DAY, the inaugural meeting of the "cherishing life" group of the Peking University Young Volunteer team, was held in the college. 12月1日是世界艾滋病日,这一天,北京大学青年志愿者总队“关爱生命”分队成立大会在北大召开。
- But on 1 December 2003, communities, organizations, and institutions affected by HIV/AIDS will observe World AIDS Day with common solemnity and resolve. 可是在2003年12月1日,受到爱滋病波及的社区、组织、机构将以肃穆和决心来纪念世界爱滋病日。
- With the approaching of the 2007 World AIDS Day, UNAIDS and China Red Cross Foundation is planning to organize a joint project “The Great AIDS Walk” at Juyongguan Great Wall. 2007年世界艾滋病日即将到来,联合国艾滋病规划署和中国红十字会正在联合策划组织一次居庸关长城健走活动。
- On the World AIDS Day, US President Clinton promised to provide new financial aid, including more research funds to curb the deadly disease. 美国总统克林顿在世界爱滋病日保证提供新的资助,防止这种致命的疾病,包括给予更多的研究拨款。
- On the World AIDS Day , US President Clinton promised to provide new financial aid, including more research funds to curb the deadly disease. 美国总统克林顿在世界爱滋病日保证提供新的资助,防止这种致命的疾病,包括给予更多的研究拨款。
- As drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, during the period of the World AIDS Day on December 1 every year, public health departments organize publicity activities, with the theme "refuse drugs, and prevent AIDS. 鉴于吸毒是传播艾滋病的重要途径,在每年12月1日世界艾滋病日期间,卫生部门都组织开展以“拒绝毒品,防止艾滋病”为内容的宣传活动。
- Registrationof Activities on World AIDS Day 世界艾滋病日活动登记表
- World AIDS Day kick-off ceremony 世界爱滋病日活动
- World AIDS Day marked as disease grows 世界艾滋病日的行动
- 1st December 2005 is World AIDS Day. 2005年12月1日是世界艾滋病日.