- The Visual Design Principles of UI Design. 界面设计中的视觉设计规律。
- This is useful because it allows us to have initial discussions about visual language without getting hung up on interaction design details. Of course, eventually visual design and interaction design must be conducted in lockstep. 而没有必要给本是简单粗略的交互设计进行精雕细琢的视觉设计,这样可以避免对利益关系人产生不必要干扰的风险。
- We focus on visual design of the brand for the value promotion and conveyance. 我们专注于品牌视觉设计,提升品牌价值强化品牌传播。
- Visual design typically plays one of the most significant roles in managing first impressions largely through color and image. 一般来说,视觉设计通过颜色和图像在第一印象方面起着最重要的作用。
- Practitioners of fine art and practitioners of visual design share a visual medium. 美术和视觉设计从业者都运用同样的媒介,即视觉。
- Do the changes impact the visual design or the usability and work flow of the form? 更改是否会影响窗体的视觉效果、易用性和工作流?
- The visual design surface is a container that hosts the form component (in Web Forms, the page component). 可视化设计图面是承载窗体组件(Web窗体中的页组件)的容器。
- Deeply attached to his artistic education background, Peter Ho enjoys photography, visual design and traveling. 何润东有深厚的艺术教育背景,尤其喜欢摄影、视觉设计和旅行。
- With the right visual design process, you can minimize the influence of subjectivity and guesswork. 正确的设计流程,能使你将主观性和猜测的影响降到最小。
- The shopfront and the show window are two important points in carrying out visual design of a fashion brand shop. 阐述了服装专卖店的发展、橱窗设计对于现代服装专卖店的重要性,以及橱窗设计的类型和原则。
- See, Erica says you need to have visual design, V-I-S-U-A-L visual D-E-S-I-G-N design, the way things look. 哎呀,你耐心一点!我敢担保她接下来一定会强调网页设计的科学性。
- Still, usability, typography and visual design are rarely overlooked and are often carefully executed. 尽管如此,可用性,版式和视觉设计很少被忽视,往往被认真完成。
- Web design, the art of developing for the web is something that goes beyond visual design. 网页设计是一种运用于开发网站的艺术,它是和视觉设计同步的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Pumice digital visual design industry is the application of technology services company. 浮石数码是设计行业视觉技术的应用服务公司。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- In terms of visual design, we refined the typography, button styles and fixed spacing and grid inconsistencies. 在视觉设计方面,我们重新规划了版面设计、按钮的风格,并确定了字符间隔及栅格的不一致。