- A former US Ambassador to China,J Stapleton-Roy,had written that no government in human history has done so muchfor so many people in such a short time as the government ofChina. 曾经是驻中国的美国大使芮孝俭就曾为文指出,人类史上从未有过一个政府像中国政府一般,在那么短的时间内为那么多人民做了那么多事。
- A former US Ambassador to China,J Stapleton-Roy,had written that no government in human history has done so much for so many people in such a short time as the government of China. 曾经是驻中国的美国大使芮孝俭就曾为文指出,人类史上从未有过一个政府像中国政府一般,在那么短的时间内为那么多人民做了那么多事。
- A former US Ambassador to China, J Stapleton-Roy, had written that no government in human history has done so muchfor so many people in such a short time as the government ofChina. 曾经是驻中国的美国大使芮孝俭就曾为文指出,人类史上从未有过一个政府像中国政府一般,在那么短的时间内为那么多人民做了那么多事。
- A former US Ambassador to China, J Stapleton-Roy, had written that no government in human history has done so much for so many people in such a short time as the government of China. 曾经是驻中国的美国大使芮孝俭就曾为文指出,人类史上从未有过一个政府像中国政府一般,在那么短的时间内为那么多人民做了那么多事。
- The other guest of honor was the Iraqi ambassador to China. 那个活动的另一位嘉宾是伊拉克驻中国大使。
- US Ambassador to China 美国驻中国大使
- British Ambassador to China Sir Christopher Hum said. 英国驻华大使韩魁发爵士说。
- On August 30, [General Albert] Wedemeyer met with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai at the house of Patrick Hurley, the [US] ambassador to China. 8月30日,魏德迈在赫尔利大使家中会见了毛泽东和周恩来,然后在重庆又一次会面。
- Namibia's Ambassador to China, read these images, all said with emotion: "Thank you to help us and carefully done and we can not do the thing. 纳米比亚驻中国的大使在看过这些影像后,无不感慨地说:“谢谢你帮我们细致地做了我们该做而做不到的事情。”
- Courtenay Rattray, Jamaica's ambassador to China, said in an interview. 牙买加驻中国大使拉特雷接受采访时这样说到。
- He said the US ambassador to India, David Mulford, had expressed concerns, but added that India still believed the deal could go ahead. 另外,伊拉克战争使美国众叛亲离。如今,美国把欧盟推上解决伊朗核问题的第一线,既修复了美欧关系,又可以解决伊朗核问题,可谓一举两得。
- Huntsman served as US ambassador to Singapore during the administration of President George Bush and can speak fluent Mandarin Chinese. 他曾在老布什任美国总统期间担任美国驻新加坡大使,并且能说一口流利的普通话。
- Kriger had dozens of investors, including an American business magnate, a former US ambassador to Morocco, diplomats and prominent Moroccans. 克拉格得到了许多投资者的支持,包括一位美国商业巨头,一位前美国驻摩洛哥大使,还有一些外交官和摩洛哥的显赫人物。
- Kriger had enlisted dozens of investors, including an American business magnate, a former US ambassador to Morocco, diplomats and prominent Moroccans. 克拉格得到了许多投资者的支持,包括一位美国商业巨头,一位前美国驻摩洛哥大使,还有一些外交官和摩洛哥的显赫人物。
- The unabashed apostle of Reagan era conservatism and the first woman US ambassador to the Unite Nations died overnight at her home in Maryland. 她公开支持里根时期保守主义,并且是美国驻联合国第一位女性大使。
- Petraeus say US ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker are testifying at this hour to Congressional Committee today and Wednesday. 我相信我们在继续打击突发暴力时间的同时一定能完成上述任务。
- It was in this field that Leighton Stuart made a name for himself; that was how he became U.S. ambassador to China. 司徒雷登就是从事这些事业出了名,因而做了驻华大使的。
- US ambassador to the UN John Negroponte said he could not support the resolution because it did not deal with the terrorism confronting Israel. 美国驻联合国大使,约翰-内格罗蓬特说,他不能支持这一决议,因为这一决议对解决以色列国内的恐怖事件没有任何帮助。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。
- The then Secretary of State was General Marshall, and attending the conference with him was the US ambassador to Moscow, another military man General Biddell Smith. 马歇尔将军是当是的美国国务卿。与其一起参加外长会议的是另个位军人:美国驻苏大使比德尔·史密斯将军。