- USAF Air Warfare Center 美国空军空战中心
- USAF Air Mobility Warfare Center 美国空军空中运动战中心
- The training is the first step in turning Scott and several other pilots into adversary pilots for the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center at NAS Fallon, Nevada. “也有人把它叫作毒蛇的职业技术训练,”他嘲讽道。
- Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division 海军航空作战中心飞机处
- United States Air Force Special Air Warfare Center 美国空军特种空战中心
- United States Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center 美国空军战术空战中心
- The Weapons Division of the United States Naval Air Warfare Center 美圆赔偿给美国航空中心武器部
- special air warfare center 特种空战中心
- Naval Air Warfare Center 海军航空作战中心(美)
- Tactical Air Warfare Center 战术空战中心
- Air Warfare Center 空战中心
- Allen Munro, University of Southern California, Robert Breaux, Jim Patrey &Beth Sheldon NAWCTSD, Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division ,Cognitive Aspects of Virtual Environments Design, 李佳勋,互动式媒体-以感官多模式探讨数位设计环境中人机互动介面设计与应用实例,国立成功大学建筑研究所硕士论文,2002.;08
- Combat also has undergone some significant changes, particularly with regard to siege and air warfare. 战斗方式同样有重大的改变,尤其是压制武器和空战系统。
- Earlier this year the US Naval Surface Warfare Center began working with Lockheed Martin Corp.to produce a thermobaric warhead known as "agent defeat". 今年早些时候,美国海军水面作战中心与洛克希德-马丁公司展开合作,制造一种称为"制剂杀手"的温压弹头。
- Never before in the history of air warfare was an attack of such weight and persistence carried out against a single industrial concentration. 空战史上从来没有对一个工业中心进行过这么大规模、持续这么久的攻击。
- The Naval Sea Systems Command’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) made the award under the SeaPort Enhanced contract vehicle. 这份合同是由美国海军海上系统司令部的海军水下战中心(NUWC)授予的,它也是海港合同的一部分。
- Regardless of your strategy, naval, nuclear, or air warfare probably won't finish your opponents off. You're going to eventually have to bring in the land troops to mop up. 不管你的策略如何,海军,核武器或者空军都不能最终解决你的敌人,到最后登场的还是陆军。
- Daiwan's Ministry of Defense is recruiting experts in academia and industry to create a cyber warfare center to defend against cyber attacks from China and other countries. 台员耶国防部咧掅学术界及工业耶专家来设立一间电脑战术中心,倘好对付中国抑是别国透过电脑对台员耶攻击。
- Earlier this year the US Naval Surface Warfare Center began working with Lockheed Martin Corp. to produce a thermobaric warhead known as "agent defeat". 今年早些时候,美国海军水面作战中心与洛克希德-马丁公司展开合作,制造一种称为"制剂杀手"的温压弹头。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。