- Ueno Taichi 上野他一(1924-),日本人,实业家。
- There is even one who is practicing Taichi. 甚至有一个人在打太极拳。
- The picture was taken at Ueno zoo in Tokyo. 图摄于东京上野动物园。
- Yes. I'm very interested in Taichi. 是的,我对练太极拳很感兴趣.
- Three pandas were born at Ueno, but all have since died. 此后共有三只熊猫在上野动物园出生,但都陆续死去了。
- Kungfu, taichi, ping-pong, jiaozi, Beijing Kaoya, etc. 功夫,太极,乒乓,饺子,北京烤鸭等
- Professor Ueno loves the puppy so much and names it Hachi. 不论晴天两天,阿八每天都会到火车站接送教授。
- Hmmm...TaiChi looks a lot like wrestling in real fight. 太极这么慢,怎么打赢出手快的人呀?
- Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise. 太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。
- Shaolin, Wudang, Taichi and many other linds of Kungfu. 不过妳们杂志受欢迎的原因是?
- When I went to Ueno Zoo, I bought this pencil which was eighty five yen. 去上野动物园时,我买了这只八十五日元的铅笔。
- Me and juju stood at the exit, looking at the morning streets of Ueno. 我们到了将近两年的时间,还是紧紧的贴着彼此不离不弃。
- "I heard that the main reason people used to go to Ueno zoo was the panda. 他说:“我听说人们去上野动物园的主要原因就是看熊猫。
- They quietly moved to the back of the group of people practicing taichi. 他们安静地走到一群正在打太极拳的人后方。
- Hanako:It's such a beautiful day. Let's go for a walk in Ueno Park. 花子:今天多麽晴朗。我们去上野公园散步吧。
- Yang style Taichi its many is the most popular and widely practiced style. 杨式太极拳是当今太极拳的主要流派。
- Ueno Basin, Kasagi to the Kii Mountain Mountain line of demarcation. 上野盆地、笠置山地一直到纪伊山地一线划分的。
- All over Tokyo the cherry trees were in bloom, but nowhere as luxuriantly as in Ueno Park. 东京的樱花盛放着,以上野公园的最为华美。
- Grandmaster (Mr. Wang Zhen Hua) demo. of Taichi chuan held during World Taichi gathering in China 2005 . 王振华老师在第二届世界健康大会上,应邀做名家表演。掌声雷动,反响强烈。
- Japanese monkeys surround a hot bath as they eat yuzu (Japanese citron) at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo Saturday. 猴子周六在日本东京上野动物园的温泉旁吃柚子(日本香橼)。管理员们冬至时在温泉里放满黄色的柚子,希望能帮猴子驱寒去病。