- Umezu Yoshiyuki 梅津良之(1917-),日本人,工科教授。
- On October 13th, leading a 17 members' delegation, Higano yoshiyuki, Mayor of Tochigi, Japan visited Yiwu. 10月13日,以日本枥木市市长日向野义幸为团长的考察团一行17人来访我市。
- Inspired from a young age by his elder sister's drawing and Kazuo Umezu's comics, he took an interest in drawing horror comics himself. 小时候受到他姐姐的恐怖漫画和梅图一雄的漫画作品所启发,他自己也对画恐怖漫画产生了浓厚的兴趣。
- Yoshiyuki Noda, Introduction To Japanese Law, Translated and ed. by Anthony H. Angelo, University of Tokyo Press, 1976, p42-44. 转据石井良助:《民法典的编纂》,法制史论集第四卷,昭和五十四年,东京,创文社,第3、6页。
- TOKYO: A cow identified by Japanese experts as having mad cow disease has a new form of the ailment, Farming Minister Yoshiyuki Kamei told reporters yesterday. 东京:日本农业部长龟井善之十月七日向记者透露,日本专家确认被鉴定的疯牛病病牛患有的是一种新型疯牛病。
- As snow falls lightly, dancing about the evergreen cherry trees, Yoshiyuki Sakurai shares some good times with old classmates and bittersweet love interest Koki Tsukishima. 依然是那个拥有不落樱花传说的初音岛,依然是那座充满青涩味道的风见学园,然而即将发生的却是另一段恋爱故事。
- And in June Ho Ying-chin,the Kuomintang government's representative there,submitted and signed an agreement with Yoshijiro Umezu,commander of the invading forces in northern China,which became known as the "Ho-Umezu Agreement". 七月,国民党政府在华北的代表何应钦正式致函日本华北驻屯军司令官梅津美治郎,接受并签署了一份协定,这就是所谓“何梅协定”。
- Kepima,Yoshiyuki W,Yoshio T,et al.Ferrite Grain Refinement by Large Reduction per Pass in Non-recrystallization Temperature Region of Austenite[J].ISIJ International,1996,36(5):6301. 冯光宏;李岩;戴蓓蓉;等.;在未再结晶区大压下后加速冷却工艺对钢板带状组织的影响[J]
- The protagonist, Yoshiyuki Sakurai, was born when Sakura Yoshino, weary of being alone for so long, wished upon a prototype artificial wish-granting magical sakura tree for a family. 作为第二部,故事发生在两年后,纯一与音梦的故事已经完结。
- Umezu 梅津
- Umezu Motoyoshi 梅津元昌(1901-),日本人,农学教授、日本兽医畜产大学负责人。
- Umezu Yoshijirō 梅津美治郎(1882-1949),日本人,前"关东军"司令官、战犯。
- Umezu Hachizō 梅津八三(1906-),日本人,心理学教授。
- Nishi Yoshiyuki 西义之(1922-),日本人,德国文学教授。
- Chōsa Yoshiyuki 帖左美行(1915-),日本人,雕金工艺家。
- Miyake Yoshiyuki 三宅义行
- Yamanishi Yoshiyuki 山西由之(1922-),日本人,东京广播株式会社负责人。
- Tsuruta Yoshiyuki 鹤田义行
- Taya Yoshiyuki 东家嘉幸(1927-),日本人,官员。