- They tried to split the United Church of Catholicism. 他们曾试图分裂联合天主教会。
- Office of Communication of United Church of Christ v. FCC, 359 F.2d 994 (D.C.Cir.1966). 及"联合基督教堂通讯联络办公室诉联邦电信委员会"案,载于《联邦判例汇编》第二辑,第359卷,第994页(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,1966)]。
- Catholic Spain had, by expelling its Jews, achieved the spiritual security of a united church. 信奉天主教的西班牙人在逐出犹太人后,统一了教会,在精神上获得了安全感。
- Catholic Spain had, by expelling its Jews and Moers, achieved the spiritual security of a united church. 信奉天主教的西班牙人在逐出犹太人和摩尔人后,统一了教会,在精神上获得了安全感。
- The white steeple of the United Church of Christ in Keene, New Hampshire, surrounded by seasonal foliage. 在基督联合教会的白色尖顶在新罕布什尔州基恩受季节性树叶包围。
- During his ministry, the church moved to Keystone Congregational Church for Sunday worship and joined the Federation of the United Church of Christ. 之后十年,在基石教会聚会,由李信助牧师牧养。
- The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission,and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense. 协会目的在于使教会摆脱外国传教差会的控制,从而建立和发展真正意义上的本色化的合一教会。
- Church of Christ in China was a nationwide united church organization being composed of 15 Christian Sects in the Chinese Church, among them,the Guangdong Synod was a church that was most early established and was most influential. 中华基督教会是由基督教15个教派的华人教会共同组成的全国性的合一教会组织,广东协会是其中成立最早、最有影响的一个教会。
- Respondents were asked to mark one of the seven specified religions (Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, or Lutheran) or to specify a particular religion. 受访者被要求以纪念之一七个指定宗教(天主教,英国国教,团结教会,长老会,希腊东正教会,浸信会,路德会或)或指定一个特定的宗教。
- By day, Evans is a kindly and now semi-retired minister in the Uniting Church in Australia, who does a bit of locum work and researches the history of nineteenth-century religious movements. 白天,伊文思是澳大利亚联合教会的一位和善的半退休牧师,边做一些代理工作边研究19世纪宗教运动史。
- Board for World Ministries of the United Church of Christ; 联合基督教世界牧师职务理事会;
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 这两个党已结成联盟。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。
- Manchester United beat Celtic in a friendly. 曼彻斯特联队在一场友谊比赛中击败了凯尔特队。
- The matter was referred to the United Nations. 此事被提交给联合国。
- He is accredit to the united nation. 他被任命为联合国大使。
- The disputes was referred to the United Nations. 这项争议已提交联合国处理。
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美国是邻邦。
- Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美国作巡回演讲。