- United Control Data Division 联合控制
- Tool options help control data collection during profiling. 工具选项在分析期间帮助控件数据的收集。
- Property as way to store custom control data between server trips. 属性作为在服务器往返过程中存储自定义控件数据的方法。
- The first supercomputer, the Control Data CD6600, was developed. 第一台超级计算机CD6600开发成功。
- Method is called when the associated control data source has changed. 方法。关联控件的数据源发生更改时将调用。
- Method is called when the schema of the associated control data source changes. 方法。关联控件的数据源架构发生更改时,将调用。
- Winding. The unit control system is of Procontrol-p distribution control system of ABB with high automation. 机组控制系统采用ABB公司的Procontrol-p分散控制系统,自动化水平较高。
- Fixed a bug that caused shared unit control not working properly in multiplayer games under some specific circumstances. 修正多人游戏中某些情况下共享单位控制不正常工作的问题。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the export of control data to an XML description file. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否允许将控件数据导出为XML说明文件。
- An area of main storage that holds the addresses of the unit control blocks and system control blocks for each symbolic unit. 主存储器中存放每个符号设备的设备控制块和系统控制块的地址的一种区域。
- To programmatically control data collection, use methods and property of the DataCollection class in your managed code. 要通过编程方式控制数据收集,请在托管代码中使用DataCollection类的方法和属性。
- Control data access by using stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, and views. 通过使用存储过程、触发器、用户订约函数和视图来控制数据访问。
- Learn how to control data collection by specifying additional options from within the IDE. 了解如何通过在IDE中指定其他选项来控制数据收集。
- Two distributed control systems (DCS), SYMPHONY of H & B, Germany and domestic XDPS, are adopted in the reconstructed unit control system of Shajiao A Power Plant. 沙角A电厂机组控制系统改造中采用了德国H&B公司的SYMPHONY分散控制系统(DCS)和国产新华分散控制系统(XDPS)。
- TCP uses positive acknowledgment and retransmission (PAR) to control data flow and confirm data delivery. TCP使用肯定确认和重传(PAR)来控制资料流量及确认资料传递。
- Which role the player assumes?, whether the old system of rank promotion and unit control will be back? And regarding the management of the supplies, what can we expect? 玩家将会扮演何种角色?此前系统中的军衔晋升和单位控制是否会回归?就关于管理系统方面我们将会有何种期待?
- Defense Atomic Support Agency Data Division 国防原子支援局数据处
- In continuous production line, material tracking is the basis for presetting control data and collecting actual data. 在连续生产机组中,材料跟踪是设定值的设定和实际值收集的基础。
- data division for table handling 表格处理的数据部分
- FG-SYS digital unit controls in an independent way up to 120 sensing cables, that is to say 1800 meters. SYS检测主机可以同时连接多达120根感应线缆(即总长1800米)。