- United Stares fighter jets 美国战机
- Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it. 还有人看见有战斗机的追逐。
- Can a rat learn how to fly an advanced fighter jet? 脑有如机器一样可以关掉之后,它会感觉到痛楚吗?
- Egg-laying cock, the fighter jet of the cocks. Oh!Yeah! 下蛋公鸡,公鸡中的战斗机,哦耶!
- This versatile fighter jet has the capability to destroy carriers with ease. 这种多用途战斗机能够轻而易举地击毁运输机。
- Fighters, trainer &transport, fighter jets, and bombers. 战斗机、训练及运输机、喷射战斗机和轰炸机。
- Rob Innes and Dan Piazza built the 15ft long Seabreacher using the discarded canopies of US fighter jets. 罗布·因尼斯和丹·皮萨罗一起用废弃的美军战机座舱壳建造了这艘长15英尺的海豚船。
- Rob Innes and Dan Piazza built the15 ft long Seabreacher using the discarded canopies of US fighter jets. 罗布·尼斯和丹·萨罗一起用废弃的美军战机座舱壳建造了这艘长15英尺的海豚船。
- The flight was escorted in by fighter jets and all one hundred eight-two passengers were ordered off the plane. 这个飞机战斗机护送,108名乘客全部被命令离开飞机。
- The BBC was also told that China was training fighter pilots who fly Chinese A5 Fantan fighter jets in Darfur. BBC还被告知中国曾对在达尔富尔地区驾驶中国制造强-5(北约代号“翻摊”)攻击机的飞行员提供培训。
- The Indian agencies are involved in the research and production of acecraft, ballistic mi iles, and fighter jets. 这些印度政府部门参与宇宙飞船、弹道导弹和喷气式战斗机的研制。
- It was an unashamed display of military force, involving tanks, fighter jets and more than 3,000 soldiers. 这是军事力量的公开展示,涉及坦克、战斗机,以及3千多位士兵。
- Perino disputed reports that Pakistan's fleet of F-16 fighter jets have not been used in counter-terrorism operations. 佩里诺否认有关巴基斯坦的F-16战斗机从未用于反恐行动的报导。
- United Stares Information Agency 美国新闻署
- Pakistan's military says helicopters and fighter jets are punting militants in the northwest part of the country. 巴基斯坦军方表示,现在直升飞机和喷气战斗机在国家的西北地区搜里塔利班激进分子。
- United Stares Dollar savings account 美元储蓄账户
- Key purchases include 100 fighter jets and 12 new submarines, replacing the current fleet of six. 主要的采购包括100架战斗机发动机和12艘新型潜艇,用于替代目前的六艘潜艇。
- United Stares Air Force Basic Military School 美国空军初级军事学校
- One of the jumbo jets that serves as Air Force One did a flyby accompanied by a fighter jet. 一架作为空军一号的喷气式客机伴随一架战斗机飞行。联邦航空局说其曾向执法部门通报过这次低空飞行。
- United Stares Army Logistics Center 美国陆军后勤中心