- United States Advisory Group 美国顾问团
- Joint chiefs of Staff - The principal military advisory group to the President of the United States, composed of the chiefs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force and the commandant of the Marine Corps. 美国总统的特别军事顾问团,由美国陆、海、空三军总司令,以及海军陆战队司令组成。
- Joint United States Military Advisory Group 美国联合军事顾问团
- United States Army Advisory Group 美国陆军驻陆军国民警卫队顾问组
- United States Military Technical Advisory Group 美国军事技术顾问团
- United States Navy Advisory Group 美国海军顾问团
- United States Military Advisory Group 美国军事顾问团
- USINS; United States Korean Military Advisory Group; 美国驻韩国军事顾问团;
- Joint United States Military Assistance Advisory Group 美国联合军事援助顾问团
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。
- The advisory group has outlived its usefulness. 顾问组已失去了它的作用。
- IEEE technical advisory group for fiber-optic LANs. IEEE光纤局域网技术顾问组。
- IEEE technical advisory group on broadband LANs. IEEE宽带局域网技术顾问组。
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美国是邻邦。
- Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美国作巡回演讲。
- The United States has a federal government. 美国有联邦政府。
- United States money has a decimal system. 美国货币采用十进制。
- Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment. 电子设备可靠性咨询机构。
- In the United States there is a census every ten years. 在美国每十年做一次户囗调查。