- United States Army Retired 美国陆军退役人员
- Then Eisenhower retired form the United States States Army; he had decided to run for President. 那时艾森豪威尔从美国军队中退役,他已决定参加总统竞选。
- First, though, plans call for a team led by retired United States Army General Jay Garner to have administrative responsibility. 但是,计划要求先由已退休美国将军杰伊?加纳领导的团队来执行行政职责。
- The largest Interbase customer today is the United States army. 如今最大的InterBase用户是美国军队。
- Sally Bender is the wife of a Captain in the United States Army. 在描写越战后遗症的一大堆影片中,拍摄于七十年代晚期的本片具有相当高的代表性。
- A broad-brimmed felt hat with a high crown,formerly worn by the United States Army and Marine personnel. 一种宽边高顶的毡帽,以前供美陆军和海军戴。
- The United States Army is now two hundred thousand strong, and that Congress intends to cut it. 美国陆军现在是20万人,可是国会还打算削减它。
- The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black fighter pilots who fought during World War Two in the United States Army Air Corps. “黑色轰炸机”是第二次世界大战期间美国空军中第一支黑人战斗机飞行队。
- The United States Army contracts with the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School to develop the ENIAC. 1943年的今天,美国陆军与宾夕法尼亚大学的摩尔学校合作开发ENIAC计算机。
- Major General Claire L. Chennault, as Commander of the United States Army Air Force's Fourteenth Air Force. 陈纳德将军,是美国空军第14航空队的指挥官。
- From Nebraska, Lindbergh moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he joined the United States Army Air Corps Reserve. 林德伯格从内布拉斯加搬到了得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥,在那里他参加了美国空军预备队。
- In the United States Army, a combination of the M16A4 and M4 Carbine continue to replace existing M16A2 Rifles. 在美国陆军中,一个结合M16A4和M4卡宾枪的产品用来替换现有的M16A2步枪。
- General Douglas Mac Arthur (1880--1964) was a fivestar general in the United States army. 麦克阿瑟将军(西元1880年至1864年)是美国陆军五星上将。
- State and local government are major employers, as is nearby Fort Jackson, a large infantry training base for the United States Army. 年代,城市的工业基础转化为高科技产业。当地政府以及州政府是州内主要的雇主。
- Die Nadel's orders are to assess the strength of the First United States Army Group under General Patton in East Anglia. “戴·那代尔”的任务是摸清驻扎在东英吉利,由巴顿将军统率的美国第一军团的实力。
- United States Army installation on the west bank of Hudson river north of New York City; site of United States Military Academy. 在美国纽约北部河流的西海岸的美国的军事装置;美国陆军军官学校的遗址。
- The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow-covered country. 专家点拨]猜测不一定总是正确,它需要在继续阅读中予以肯定、否定或修正。
- And he wrote out another letter, and that was a letter of resignation from the United States Army for the failure of the landings at Normandy. 其中一封信是庆祝部队和盟军中的杰出成员成功地完成了历史上最伟大的一次进攻,到现在,直到永远。
- Kitchener's poster spawned, in 1917, the famous recruitment poster for the United States army, which showed Uncle Sam in a similar pose. 美军一九一七年的那张募兵海报脍炙人口,海报上山姆叔叔摆出的姿势,就是模仿基钦纳的海报。
- Indian Wars: Battle of Washita River - United States Army Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer leads an attack on Cheyenne living on reservation land. 1868年,印第安战争:沃希托河之战--美国陆军上尉团长乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特发起了向居住在保留地上的夏安族人的进攻。