- United States Marine Barracks 美海军陆战队兵营
- Occultism In The United States Marine Corps? 在美国舰队的术?
- Pray for peace United States Marine LCpl. 让我们敲希望的钟啊,多少祈祷在心中。。。
- He served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. 他曾在美国海军陆战队服役,任军官。
- You don't have the stuff to be a united states marine. 你还不具备成为一名美国海军士兵的条件。
- The LINE (Linear Infighting Neurological Override Engagement) Combat System was a martial arts program used by the United States Marine Corps between 1980 and 2002. LINE(线性近战神经覆盖)格斗体系是美国海军陆战队1980至2002年间使用的武术课程。
- Every year one third of the United States Marine Corps turns over.How are you going to generate a Dari or a Pashto capability?We focus more on the culture than the language. 赫尔曼德的海军陆战队并没有人类地域小组随行,然而,手中掌握着当地主要领导人的照片,他们会谋划使当地部族分崩离析。
- The development of the M16A2 rifle was originally requested by the United States Marine Corps as a result of the USMC's combat experiences in Vietnam with the M16 and M16A1. M16A2步枪的发展最初是应美国海军陆战队请求,在越南战争中基于M16和M16A1的使用经验上发展一种USMC的格斗用枪。
- Players will be sent as members of a United States Marine Corps Force Recon squad to this country to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure ongoing stability there. 球员将被发送的成员,美国海军陆战队部队的侦察队这个国家,以防止进一步的平民伤亡,并确保持续稳定。
- Two United States Marines are accused of raping a young local woman in Surinam. 两名美国海军在苏利南被指强奸一名十四岁女子,激起公愤,遇袭重伤后,被重重包围。
- The marine barracks were built ten years ago. 这个海军陆战队的兵营是十年前建造的。
- Val Kilmer stars with Jennifer Esposito and Gary Cole in this explosive action-packed film about a former Special Operations United States Marine who brings justice to a small border town. 影片讲述一名前海军陆战队员为一个小镇伸张正义的故事。
- Tarawa was the scene of a major battle during World War II,in which United States Marines took the island from Japanese forces in 76 hours of intense fighting. 塔拉瓦岛是二战中一次重大战役的战场,在这次战役中,美国海军经过76小时的激战后从日军手中夺回此岛。
- Moreover, well-trained Troy or in United States Marines in STA special operations forces squad's backbone member. 而且,训练有素的特洛伊还是美国海军陆战队中STA特战小队中的中坚成员。
- United States Marine Corps University 美国陆战队大学
- United States marine expeditionary unit 美国海军陆战队远征部队
- United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve 美国海军陆战队妇女后备队
- United States Marine Corps Aviation 美国海军陆战队航空兵
- United States Marine Corps Reserve 美海军陆战队后备队
- United States Marine Corps Air Station 美海军陆战队航空站