- United States Air Mission 美国空军使团
- He was commissioned as a captain in the United States Air Force. 他被授予美国空军上校。
- The United States Air Forces stuck to their program of procision bombing. 美国空军抱定他们的精密轰炸计划的宗旨。
- No part of the globe is now beyond the reach of the power and precision of the United States Air Force. 当今,全球每一个部分都处在美国空军有力、精确的掌握之下。
- Most remiss of me, Colonel. This Is Captain Stone of the United States Air Force. 请原谅我,上校。我是美国空军上校,史东。
- Warm greetings and grateful thanks to you all as you gather to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the United States Air Force. 我谨向聚集在此庆祝美国空军建军50周年的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。
- The United States Air Force was going to be doubled, or perhaps trebled, in the next six months. 在未来的六个月中,美国将把它的空军增加一倍或两倍。
- The M16 was first adopted in 1964 by the United States Air Force (USAF) as the M16. 在1964年M16被美国空军第一次采购命名为M16。
- In two thousand four, Martha McSally became the first woman to command a fighter squadron in the United States Air Force. 2004年,玛撒萨利成为了美国空军战斗中队的第一位女指挥员。
- In an unmapped solar system, the U.S.S Enterprise discovers a jagged chunk of metal bearing a United States Air Force insignia. 您可在影文学习系统内部搜索和使用该素材,详细步骤请参阅此图示说明。
- United States Air Force Senior airman Cameron Zachary examines the engine on the jet fighter F-15E at the Bagram airbase on Monday before the start of combat tasks in Afghanistan. 美国的空军高级飞行员卡梅伦扎卡里检查引擎的喷气式战斗机的F - 15E在巴格拉姆空军基地星期一开始前在阿富汗的作战任务。
- Randt worked as the China representative of the National Council for United States-China Trade and, from 1968 to 1972, he served in the United States Air Force Security Service. 从1968到1972年,他在美国空军的安全部门任职。
- He was head of a French trade mission to the United States. 他是法国派往美国的贸易代表团团长。
- United States Air Force. 美国空军部队
- Cormac studied at the University of Tennessee before joining the United States Air Force.While he was stationed in the state of Alaska he discovered literature and began reading seriously. 科马克在参加美国空军之前在田纳西大学学习,当他在阿拉斯加服役期间,他发现文学的魅力,并开始认真地阅读起来。
- Chris Keniston served nearly 14 years in the United States Air Force, with a service record extending from Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman to Senior Maintenance Operations Controller. 克里斯凯尼斯顿曾在美国空军工作近14年,由航天服务维修工晋升至高级维修操作管理员。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。
- The United States Air Force in Korea 美国空军朝鲜战争史
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美国是邻邦。