- University of Florida Transportation Research Cen. 佛罗里达大学运输研究中心。
- University of Florida Continuing Medical Education Learning. 佛罗里达大学继续医学教育课程。
- Day, PhD, from the University of Florida in Vero Beach. 在某些情况下,预防传播疾病的节肢动物的叮咬是至关重要的。
- The University of Florida has two things to brag about this morning. 今天早上,佛罗里达大学有两件事值得夸耀。
- Wildse Webb of the University of Florida and Ray Meddis of London University have suggested this to be the case. 佛罗里达大学的Wilse Webb和伦敦大学的ray Meddis认为情况就是如此。
- A.I first discovered basketball when my stepdad played at the University of Florida. 答:我第一次接触篮球是我后爸在佛罗里达州大学打球时。
- About 25,000 University of Florida students live in apartments and bungalows fanning out from campus . 大约有两万五千名佛罗里达大学的学生住在校园外面呈扇形分布的公寓和平房内。
- Dossey, a researcher at the University of Florida in Gainesville who studies the insects. 竹节虫是动物王国中的“伪装大师”。
- But the University of Florida's Purdy said she hopes that the bone will end up in a museum. 骨刻画的拥有者肯尼迪表示,他无法决定将这块骨刻画卖掉还是捐给佛罗里达自然历史博物馆。
- Division of Cardiology Cardiovascular Imaging Core Laboratories University of Florida Jacksonville FL United States Dr. 心脏磁共振成像参数评估用于检出解剖学和血流动力学显著异常的冠状动脉疾病
- Bures, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Bures)领导的这项研究说,尤其是有亲生孩子的已婚母亲要比同样状况的未婚母亲更加幸福。
- "Mosquitoes use odor to sort attractive people from the unattractive to find those that are most tasty," University of Florida entomologist Jerry Butler said in a statement. 蚊子利用气味将“有魅力”和“无魅力”的人分开,以便发现最可口的血液,佛罗里达大学昆虫学家杰里·布特勒在一份报告中说。
- A city of north-central Florida southwest of Jacksonville. The University of Florida(founded1853) is important to its economy. Population,84,770. 盖恩斯维尔,美国佛罗里达州中北部的城市,位于杰克逊维西南部,佛罗里达大学(始建于1853年)对其经济发展十分重要,人口84,770。
- Willard H. Whitcomb, emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Florida, has been singing the praises of spiders for decades. 弗罗里达大学昆虫学名誉教授威拉德 - h - 惠特科姆几十年来一直在为蜘蛛唱赞歌。
- A police officer, summoned by worried parents, discovered the first two bodies in an apartment near the University of Florida campus. 当时,觉得境况不妙的家长叫来了一名警官,他在位于佛罗里达大学校园附近的一间公寓里发现了两具尸体。
- A city of north-central Florida southwest of Jacksonville. The University of Florida(founded1853) is important to its economy. Population,84, 770. 盖恩斯维尔美国佛罗里达州中北部的城市,位于杰克逊维西南部,佛罗里达大学(始建于1853年)对其经济发展十分重要,人口84,770
- Cataracts in the Bichon Frise are a newly revealed major problem and research into the mode of inheritance is being done at the University of Florida. 白内障是被最新发现的主要问题,佛罗里达大学正在进行遗传模式的研究。
- Alan Hodges, an agricultural economist at the University of Florida, has been following the renewable energy field for more than 20 years. 佛罗里达大学的农业经济学家霍金斯跟踪可再生能源领域的动态已经有20多年的时间了。
- The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida. 阿拉斯加与佛罗里达的气候相差甚远