- Urban Population File 城市人口档案
- There is a rise in the urban population. 城市的人口有所增加。
- This overinflated the urban population of China. 这使得城市人口过分膨胀。
- The urban population is growing larger and larger in our country. 我国的城镇人口越来越多。
- One third of the world's urban population lives in slums. 世界城市人口中,有三分之一的人居住在贫民窟里。
- In 1980 the urban population in China totaled 191.4 million,a figure which rose to 351.71 million in 1995. 1980年全国城镇人口为19140万人,1995年达到35171万人。
- Not only transportation and communication, but the segregation of the urban population tends to facilitate the mobility of the individual man. 不仅交通和通讯,就连城市中人口被分隔的状况都会促进个人的流动。
- Urban Population and Rural Population: are classified, in general, with the permanent population. 市镇总人口:指市、镇辖区的全部人口。
- These theories research regarding of the urban population development tendency, all has the enormous model significance in the thought and the loc. 这些理论的研究对于梳理出城市人口发展的趋势,在思想与逻辑上都有极大的借鉴意义。
- To bring about the redistribution of(an urban population and industry)to suburban areas. 人口疏散把(城市人口和工业)疏散分布至郊区
- In 1980 the urban population in China totaled 191.4 million, a figure which rose to 351.71 million in 1995. 1980年全国城镇人口为19140万人,1995年达到35171万人;
- Shanghai urban population is approximately 7. 5 million plus three million "Floaters". 上海市区人口约750万,另外还有300万"流动的弄潮儿"。"floater"本意为"漂泊者",这里用作"弄潮儿",够时尚的吧?
- To bring about the redistribution of(an urban population and industry) to suburban areas. 人口疏散把(城市人口和工业)疏散分布至郊区。
- The world urban population is rocketing upwards at a rate of 6.5 per cent per year. 世界城市人口以每年6.;5%25的速度急速上升。
- Planning of the 14 exurb because Beijing caused by the movement of the urban population. 规划当中的14个卫星城是因为北京市城市人口的移动造成的。
- With expansion of urban population more and more families crowd themselves into apartments in high buildings. 随着城市人口的增加,越来越多的家庭都挤进高楼里的公寓。
- Urban population living suburbanization has become the inevitable trend of a population flows. 城市人口居住郊区化,已成为一种人口流向的必然趋势。
- From 1982 to 2005, the gravity of urban population had an overall southwestward transfer. 从1982-2005年城市人口重心总体向西南方向移动。
- Meanwhile, China's overall bankable population is about 130m households, equivalent to 70 per cent of the country's urban population. 与此同时,在中国,银行愿意接受的家庭总数约为1.;3亿户,相当于中国城镇人口的70%25。
- The other 8 subjects did not return for follow-up, a common problem in this urban population, coauthor Sharon Glick, MD, told Medscape. 其他8个个案没有回来接受追踪,这是这个城市族群的常见问题;