- urban public infrastructure facilities 城市公用设施
- Urban public infrastructure 城市基础设施
- And unlike Japan, which built roads to nowhere to prop up its economy, China still needs more public infrastructure. 日本已无法通过筑路来支撑经济发展,中国不同于日本,仍然需要更多公共基础建设。
- The houseboat is connected to the public infrastructure for water, waste water, electricity, telephone, community antenna and internet. 这种游艇式的房子可以通过公共设施来获取水源,排除废水,接通电力,通讯,交流天线和英特网。
- One traditional way to do this is to increase government expenditures, probably in public infrastructure projects, on condition these are available. 一种传统做法是增加政府支出,大多是用在公共基础设施项目方面,前提是这些项目是可行的。
- Ms Patil also said New Delhi would undertake measures to encourage greater foreign investment inflows, step up public infrastructure investment, and recapitalise state banks. 帕蒂尔还表示,印度政府将采取措施,鼓励更多外国投资流入,加大公共基础设施投资,对国有银行进行资本重组。
- Urban Public Traffic Planning and Administration. City Bus and Taxi. City Ferry. City Tram. Express Rail Car Traffic. 城市公共交通规划与管理,城市公共汽车与出租汽车,城市轮渡,电车,快速轨道交通
- Is the passenger transport overload inevitable in expanding the urban public transport? 发展城市公交就必须超载吗?
- Advance or lagging behind in the urban public space building will affect the development of cities . 超前或者滞后的城市公共空间建设都会影响城市的发展。
- Security is not at all restricted to the public infrastructure nor to publically available information. 安全并不是对公共设施,以及公开信息的限制。
- Dezhou Xin Hu Park is one of the main comprehensive urban public parks in De Zhou City. 德州新湖公园,是德州主要的城市综合性公园之一,是市民活动、娱乐和休闲健身的重要场所。
- Due to the ever increasing gap between the need of infrastructure facilities and the availability of public budgets worldwide BOT/ PPP models became a procurement alternative of public infrastructure providers during the last15 years. 由于公共财政预算与基础设施建设之间的资金缺口日益扩大,过去十五年以来,bot/PP模式已成为公共基础设施建设的另一种方式。
- Like urban public transport as IC cards, these cards to the public transport system, each card key encryption to have control of the factory. 就象城市公共交通IC卡一样,这些卡在交给公交系统使用前,每张卡的密钥都要进行出厂加密控制。
- As seen in this image of Palm Beach County, Florida, the amount of pavement (public infrastructure) per building (private structure) is extremely high, especially when compared to the efficiency of a section of an older city like Washington, D.C. 正如我们在佛罗里达的棕榈海滩县所看到的那样,那里与华盛顿特区旧城的一个街区的效率相比,连通私人住宅的路面(公共基础建设)铺设率是相当高的。
- Practical Training: Specialized Literature Review, Comprehensive Ability Test, Survey of Urban Public Utility Agencies, Survey of Public Utilities etc. 主要专业实践包括:专业文献综述训练、专业综合能力测试、城市公共事业单位调查、城市公共设施使用情况调查等。
- PFI (Private Finance Initiative) is a new mode in public infrastructure project nowadays. It can make the investors of the public infrastructure projet pluralized and iget over some disadvantages of the traditional mode. PFI(Private Finance Initiative)是目前国际上基础设施建设的一种新型模式,它可以实现基础设施建设项目投资主体的多元化,并在一定程度上克服了传统基础设施建设中的弊端。
- This paper carries out the comparative study method to investigate the communication mechanism in urban public transportation planning. 摘要用比较研究的方法,对我国城市公共交通发展中的民众参与问题进行深入研究。
- The artistic attainments and taste of urban public spaces and community gardens symbolize the united and harmonious world culture. 城市公共空间及社区园林的艺术造诣与品位,是世界文化走向共和的典型象征。
- In 2001, Bao Pao criticized stagnancy in development of the public art in China in The Environment of Urban Public Art Forum in Chengdu Province. 2001年参加在成都举办的“城市公共艺术环境论坛”,批评国内城市公共环境艺术之滞后。
- Based on information hereinbefore, this paper plans to conduct studies on urban public space which put priorities on public spatial configurations. 基于以上情况,本论文拟对城市公共空间形态进行研究。