- Usually top of food chain 通常在食物链的顶端
- Nothing. He's at the top of the food chain. 没有,他是食物链的最顶层。
- The influences of bioaccumulation on the aves on the top of food chains were discussed aiming to provide some inferences for the protection and management of endangered waterfowls. 在此基础上,探讨了重金属元素经食物链产生的生物累积放大作用对位于食物链最高营养级鸟类生存所构成的潜在威胁,从而为珍稀水禽保护及管理措施的制定提供一些依据。
- But does this really mean that the elite no longer sits at the top of the innovation food chain? 但是这是否真的意味着精英不再位于顶部的创新食物链?
- They are also one of those predators at the top of the ocean's food chain, preyed upon mostly by man. 他们还是海洋食物链的顶端的肉食者之一,通常只被人类捕杀。
- Although yoma is on top of the food chain, their numbers must be very small compares to human. 译文:虽然;妖魔是处于食物链的顶端;但是数量一定远少于人类.
- Researchers theorize that may help doom the transient orca pod at the top of the food chain. 研究者称,作为食物链顶端的捕食者,逆戟鲸难逃一劫。
- It is impolite to poke the top of food with chopsticks. 用筷子戳食物项端是不礼貌的。
- Fordham said that because many of the sharks on the red list are at the top of the food chain, their extinction could also cause major local ecological problems. 福特汉姆表示,由于红色名单上的许多鲨鱼物种都处于整个生物食物链的顶层,它们的灭绝可能还会引起严重的区域性生态问题。
- We analyzes the faultiness of food chain and put forward some sug... 最后就限制或摒弃食野习俗和加快生物链修复等方面提出几点对策建议。
- The lion of this land, the creature at the top of the food chain, is a bacteria-eating nematode, a microscopic worm that can survive years of being freeze-dried. 这片土地上的狮子,也就是处于食物链最顶端的生物,是一种以细菌为食的线虫,它是一种能在干冻状态下生存好几年,必须用显微镜才能看到的微小蠕虫。
- A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。
- In this way,the concentrations of a pollutant that is stored in animal tissues and not excreted may be dramatically larger in the tissues of some animals at the top of a food chain. 这样,在食物链最上层动物的组织内,这种存储在组织内的不能排泄的毒素含量可以非常惊人地富集。
- Lack of food may stunt the growth. 缺乏食物可能妨碍发育。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能够到柜顶的那本书吗?
- Many soldiers died because of dearth of food. 很多士兵因为缺少粮食死去。
- Killer whales may be the top of the food chain underwater,but they stand little chance against the eco-tourists who try to catch a glimpse of the majestic mammals rising above the water line. 尽管逆戟鲸可能是海底世界的霸主,处于食物链的最高一级,然而面对那些想要一睹这种庞大的哺乳动物从海岸线浮出海面的壮观景象的观鲸者,它们显得那么不堪一击。
- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一块石板。
- This paper study on the habitude of cooking wild animal and the faultiness of food Chain. 探讨“食野习俗”及其引发的生物链缺失问题。
- I can't tell you the answer off the top of my head. 我不经考虑无法告诉你答案。