- Vagus nerve palate paralysis 迷走神经腭麻痹
- Relating to or involving blood vessels and the vagus nerve. 血管迷走神经的与血管和迷走神经有关的,或含有血管和迷走神经的
- Of or relating to the vagus nerve. 迷走神经的属于或有关迷走神经的
- Although reactivation of the virus is frequently associated with cranial polyneuropathy, concurrent involvement of the vagus nerve with consequent laryngeal paralysis is a rare clinical entity. 虽然这种病毒经常造成多发性脑神经病症,但是耳带状疱疹同时合并有迷走神经感染,导致喉部麻痹的情况,在临床上则较为罕见。
- The larynx is innervated by which two branches of the vagus nerve? 单侧喉返神经损伤可导致什么症状?
- A new therapy curtails epinephrine's stimulation of the vagus nerve. 某个新疗法的作用机制,就是降低肾上腺素对迷走神经的刺激。
- Antiepileptic effects of the settings of vagus nerve stimulation parameters. 迷走神经刺激参数组合及其抗痫效应。
- Overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve,adversely affecting function of the blood vessels,stomach,and muscles. 迷走神经过敏迷走审经过分兴奋或过敏,对血管,胃和肌肉的功能有不利影响。
- To grasp the operational methods and essentials of trachea intubatton and vagus nerve separation. 掌握气管插管,迷走神经分离的手术方法及操作要领,
- Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve, used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer. 迷走神经切断术切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的酸性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡
- The vagus nerves have an inhibitory action on atrial pacemakers. 迷走神经对心房起搏点有抑制作用。
- The central nervous system can regulate the peripheral immune cells via the efferent vagus nerve. 胆碱能抗炎通路是新近发现的神经-免疫调节通路。
- The vagus nerve flashed signals to the stomach, which began to secrete digestive acids. 迷走神经给胃发出信号,胃开始分泌胃酸。
- Vagus nerve and RLN were tested respectively before and after resection of thyroid lobe. 甲状腺手术前后常规检查声带活动度。
- Pain, such as that caused by a cramp or choking, sends a signal to the vagus nerve, which in turns signals the heart, slowing it down so much that the person faints. 抽搐或者窒息引起的疼痛会向迷走神经传送信息,然后这种信息又会传到心脏,导致心跳速度减慢,这样就会引起昏厥。
- Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve,used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer. 迷走神经切断术切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的酸性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡
- The Superior Laryngeal Nerve (SLN) and the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve (RLN) are two branches of the vagus nerve that innervate the larynx. 喉返神经支配除环甲肌和部分杓横肌外的所有喉部肌肉。
- Alcohol also affected the vagus nerve, which descends from the brain and into the abdomen and, among other things, signals organs there to secrete. 酒精还影响迷走神经,该神经是从大脑下行进入腹部再植入其他脏器和重要器官中。
- It should be noted that vagus nerve stimulation for depression clearly meets the two main FDA requirements of safety and efficacy. 因为沮丧清楚地符合二个主要安全的食品药物管理局需求和效能,它应该被注意那一个迷走神经神经刺激。
- It is beneficial to experiment relatively with anti-inflammatory drugs and new methods, such as vagus nerve stimulation and acupuncture. 研究和开发相关抗炎药物和电刺激、针刺穴位等抗炎手段已经成为将胆碱能抗炎通路应用于临床的有益尝试。