- Our funds have reached (the) vanishing point. 我们基金即将用尽了。
- After that steep climb my strength reached vanishing point. 爬上那陡坡之后我再也没劲了。
- But price indexing would gradually reduce benefits to the vanishing point as wages outpaced prices. 但是,当工资超出价格的时候,价格指数化将逐渐地把各种福利降至消失点。
- Drag onto the page to add an additional vanishing point to change the perspective of individual shapes. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加一个附加没影点,以便更改单个形状的透视效果。
- Vanishing Point What Vanishing Point is and how to edit images with perspective. 消失点消失点是什么以及如何编辑与角度的图像。
- Adds an additional vanishing point that you can use to change the perspective of individual shapes. 添加可用于更改单个形状的透视效果的没影点。
- A bullet in the dark. The letter from the past. A smeared bond. The nightmare without a vanishing point Visits from the abyss of darkness. 黑暗的子弹来自过去的信污浊的羁绊无法忘记的噩梦在黑暗的深渊呼唤着。
- Accurate stitching, tapering to the vanishing point, insures an almost invisible blending of the stitching with the fabric . 正确缝纫省道方法,线迹是从一端逐渐由细到消失点,交驻缝与面料混为一体,几乎看不见。
- I still remember the dusk that I saw from the small balcony.At the vanishing point of the sight was an age-old circumvallation. 记得小阳台上黄昏,视线的尽处是一列古老的城墙。
- And even this minuscule probability will diminish to the vanishing point as researchers improve nonnuclear interception technologies. 而且随著研究人员持续改进非核的拦截手段,这个微小的机率还会持续减少,直到完全消失。
- Horizon line :In linear perspective, the horizon line is where sky and earth meet. It is on this line that the vanishing point is located. 地平线:在直线透视图中;地平线就是天空与地面汇合的地方;也是没影点所在的直线.;(如下图红线所示
- In Single Point Perspective,the designer can also determinate Vanishing Point anywhere on the horizon with the need of design's expression effect. 在一点透视中,确定直线长度距点也可以是设计者根据设计表达效果的需求任意确定;
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- He also received a $490 sterling silver engraved bowl, a $350 silver apple made by Fornari and Fornari, as well as a $120 Namiki Vanishing Point Black Carbonesque pen. 一杆价值14,153美元的猎枪及其附件,一辆售价2,700美元的山地车,以及一套价值数千美元的钓鱼装备占据了美国总统布什去年所收礼品单上前几名的位置。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- I found that the less I cared whether I spoke well or badly, the less badly I spoke, and gradually the nervous strain diminished almost to a vanishing point. 就这样我发现,我越是不在乎自己讲的如何,我的表现就越好,极度紧张的感觉也渐渐消失了。
- I mentioned this point by way of cautioning you. 我提出了这一点用以警告你。
- Vanish in dark, the empty apparition! 消失在黑暗之中把,空虚的幻影!