- Detective,if I have to make room for my second cousin's vegan diet coach... 探长;如果我不得不为我的远方堂兄妹的素食教练腾一个房间的话...
- I find it highly unlikely that any vegan diet could supply all the nutrients a cat needs to thrive. 然而,我发现想找到可供给一只猫咪成长所需营养的素食食谱,几乎是不可能的。
- In fact, my best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet. 实际上,在我的田径赛生涯中,成绩最好的年头是我吃纯素食后的第一年。
- A spokeswoman, however, says they would not recommend a raw vegan diet for children. 但一位发言人说他们不会推荐儿童的生食蔬菜的饮食方式。
- It took me a year between hearing of the concept of eating a Vegan diet and when I started. 在我听说素食主义节食的概念和真正开始,这之间有一年的时间。
- My advice is first to master a healthy and nutritionally complete vegan diet before progressing to raw food. 我的建议是,首先要精通一种有益健康的营养完善的素食法,然后再去实践生食法。
- Other health problems tied to clogged arteries, like poor circulation and atherosclerotic strokes, can be virtually eliminated with a vegan diet. 其他关于动脉阻塞的健康问题,例如血液循环缓慢和动脉硬化中风,可以完全依靠纯素的饮食来消除。
- So to be part of the solution, encourage everyone to adopt the compassionate and distinctly more “eco-friendly” vegetarian or vegan diet! 因此,为了协助化解地球危机,每个人都应该实行慈悲而且更环保的素食或纯素饮食。
- Protein is especially important to a growing child, it is essential to seek the advice of your dietitian if you are bringing up a child on a gluten-free vegetarian or vegan diet. 蛋白质特别重要的是越来越多的儿童,有必要徵求意见,您的营养师如果你是造就一个孩子的面筋免费素食主义者或素食饮食。
- A leaked email to a vegetarian campaign group from an Environment Agency official expresses sympathy with the environmental benefits of a vegan diet, which bans dairy products and fish. 一份被泄露的环境署官员致素食运动组织的电子邮件,就纯素食(禁止奶制品和鱼类)对环境的种种益处表示赞同。
- a vegan diet, restaurant, fruit-cake 纯素食谱﹑ 餐厅﹑ 水果糕点.
- Low-Fat Vegan Diet May Treat Diabetes 低脂素食餐也许能治糖尿病
- A vegan diet,restaurant,fruit-cake 纯素食谱、餐厅、水果糕点.
- The sVLPD is a vegan diet (35 kcal; 极低蛋白饮食是素食(35卡路里;
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- Gary Steinman, an obstetrician and specialist in multiple-birth pregnancies, found the results by comparing the twinning rates of pregnant women on vegan diets and those who ate animal products. 研究人员指出,造成这一现象的原因可能与人们喂养奶牛时添加的生长激素有关。
- You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?