- Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector 车载地雷/水雷探测器
- The vehicle mounted the pavement and rammed into a bus stop, and then crashed into a hillside. 失事汽车冲上行人路,撞向巴士站,再撞向山边。
- The vehicle mounted the pavement and smashed into the stand, which then colla ed on top of pa er-by Chiu. 汽车铲上行人路,撞倒报摊,报摊又压倒路过的赵女士。
- The lasers transmit a light pulse that is reflected off the road surface or roadside feature and bounced back to the vehicle mounted receiver. 该激光器的输出光脉冲即反映过路面或路边的特点和反弹车载接收机。
- A dynamics model of howitzer on launch is investigated for predicting the firing stability of vehicle mounted howitzers under different conditions. 摘要为了预测车载榴弹炮在不同条件下的射击稳定性,需要建立火炮发射时的动力学模型。
- Taking a vehicle mounted howitzer for example, the model establishing, simulation, and performance of virtual prototyping were analyzed. 以某车载火炮的总体方案为例,介绍了虚拟样机的建模、仿真,并分析了虚拟样机的性能。
- The demonstration of overall scheme for a vehicle mounted howitzer illustrates that virtual prototyping can provide effective support for development of weapon system. 结果表明虚拟样机技术可有效地支持火炮武器系统的数字化设计研制。
- vehicular induction mine detector 探雷车
- Mine Detector Image Display Study 水雷探测器显像研究
- mine-detecting probability of mine detector 探雷器探雷概率
- underwater television mine detector 水下电视探雷器
- Vehicle-Mounted Road Mine Detector System 车载路面探雷系统
- vehicle mounted automatic mortar 车载自动迫击炮
- electromanmagnetic mine detector 电磁探雷器
- Standard Vehicle Mounted Launcher 标准车载发射器
- detector man mine-detector man mine detector 探雷员
- Vehicle Mounted Explosive Container 车载爆炸物集装箱
- permissible mine-detecting speed of mine detector 探雷器允许探雷航速
- maximum mine-detecting depth of mine detector 探雷器最大探雷深度
- Close-in-Man Portable Mine Detector 近身便携式地雷探测器