- Generally, the closer one is to Victoria Harbour, the more urban the setting. 一般说来,人们越是接近维多利亚港,环境也就越趋于都市化。
- Tomorrow, we'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour. 明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。
- Victoria Harbour Yoyo Competition 2009 4A Division 6th Place Fong Ka Ho. 维港盃摇摇大赛2009离手花式组第六名方嘉浩.
- Victoria Harbour Yoyo Competition 2009 Junior FS Division Champion Li Ho Kwan. 维港盃摇摇大赛2009 少年自由花式组冠军李浩钧....
- English: Victoria Harbour, viewed from car park of Harbour City, Hong Kong. 中文:日间从海港城停车场观看维多利亚港的对岸景色。
- Victoria Harbour Yoyo Competition 2009 2A Division Champion Liu Man Ki. 维港盃摇摇大赛2009 双手迴转花式组冠军廖文奇....
- Another planning study being undertaken in parallel is to develop a planning framework for guiding future developments around Victoria Harbour. 此外,当局同时进行另一项研究,以制定规划大纲,为维多利亚港海旁地区的日后发展提供指引。
- The lack of proper treatment for the majority of flows in the main urban area around Victoria Harbour has resulted in poor water quality there. 由于没有适当设施处理维多利亚港周围主要市区的大部分污水,导致维港水质欠佳。
- We, like other members of the general public, treasure and love our Victoria Harbour. 和市民一样,我们珍惜维港,爱护维港。
- Next to the famed Golden Bauhinia Square, the restaurant commands a magnificent view of Victoria Harbour. 餐馆毗邻著名的金紫荆广场,坐拥醉人的维多利亚港景致。
- The tidal predictions are for Victoria Harbour and the tide heights are in metres above Chart Datum. 潮汐预报是以维多利亚港为准。潮水高度为海图基准面以上高度,以米为单位。
- Victoria Harbour Yoyo Competition 2009 Mark McBride Rock the Baby Yoyo Demo Show. 维港盃摇摇大赛2009 Mark McBride 旋风三角花式摇摇示范表演.
- Board a magnificent restaurant boat which sails along the Victoria Harbour in HongKong. 董事会壮丽餐厅船航行,沿维多利亚港的香港。
- It will provide for the proper collection,treatment and interim disposal for some 70 percent of the sewage discharged into Victoria Harbour each day. 该计划可为每日排入维多利亚港的七成污水,提供妥善的收集、处理及过渡性的排放设施。
- It's just a regular job," he said, glancing out briefly at the skyline behind him and the tiny ships gliding across Victoria Harbour. 这只是日常操作,”他说,他扫了一眼身后的天际和穿过维多利亚港的小船。
- A new type of seawall capable of absorbing wave energy was developed for trial to improve the wave conditions in the inner part of the Victoria Harbour. 为改善维多利亚港内港部分海浪的情况,该署完成了一项研究,发展出一款能减低海浪反射作用的新型海堤作测试。
- To enhance the protection of the Victoria Harbour, I look forward to the full support from all of the Members to the speedy enactment of the Bill. 我希望各位议员能全力支持条例草案,使之能早日通过,加强对维多利亚港的保护。
- With a panoramic view of the famed Victoria Harbour in a casual setting, Traders is also your perfect venue for any exclusive private functions. 坐拥维港景致的商悦餐厅,格调轻松,是举办私人派对及聚会的好地点。
- But protecting Victoria Harbour, this special public asset of Hong Kong people, should not just be equated to no reclamation. 维港是香港人特殊的公共资产,要真正保护维港,应不止于不进行填海。
- The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, or HATS, is a sewage collection and treatment scheme for the dense population on both sides of Victoria Harbour. 政府为收集和处理人口稠密的维港两岸产生的污水,推出净化海港计划。