- Old as he is, he is none the less vigorous and active. 虽然他年纪很大了,他仍然精力充沛。
- His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健优美。
- Young people are vigorous and vital. 年轻人朝气蓬勃。
- His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful. 他的书法苍劲有力。
- He is vigorous and unrestrained in behaviour. 他这个人做事豪放不羁。
- The lads work with vigor and energy. 小伙子干起活来真是生龙活虎。
- Vigorous and forcible 刚劲有力
- His brushstrokes are fluid, vigorous and elegant. 他的作品笔墨灵逸,畅快淋漓,劲健繁茂、沉郁秀雅
- The old man is still vigorous and lively. 那老人依然精力充沛。
- The proposals were put to us very briefly and forcibly. 这些建议已向我们作了传达,既简明扼要,又很有说服力。
- I think their voices are vigorous and deep. 我觉得他们的声音很浑厚,很低沉。
- May I be energetic, vigorous and persevering. 愿我精力充沛、充满活力、做事坚持不懈。
- Muk Min symbol of the vigorous and dynamic. 木棉象征蓬勃向上和生机勃勃。
- Today's qingyuan is vigorous and vibrant. 现在的清远充满了生机和活力。
- The children are full of vigor and vitality. 孩子们朝气蓬勃。
- Fight and combat suggest vigor and aggressiveness. 表示充满活力和斗志。
- Passes a strong vigor and theindividuality. 透出一股强劲的活力和个性。
- People become poorer in vigor and luster. 人们的活力与光彩都变得贫乏。
- Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. 大多数的美国人精力充沛,热情高涨。
- To push or drive quickly and forcibly. 猛推,冲迅速而用力地推或驱赶