- Vigorous medical history 疾病史
- I'd like you to fill out this medical history form. 请你填写一下病历单。
- Joan told her new doctor about her medical history. 乔安妮向新医师说明自己的病史。
- No particular previous medical history. 既往无特殊病史。
- Her past medical history was unremarkable. 既往病史无特殊。
- Will you fill out this medical history form? 请您把病历表填好,行吗?
- It is a discovery that made medical history. 这是载入医学史册的重大发现。
- I proceeded to take Agatha's medical history. 我继续询问她的用药史。
- "These therapeutic effects were observed in the context of appropriate preexistent and continuing vigorous medical management of these patients."Medtronic Inc. 这些治疗效果可以在其他的研究中发现,并且持续地进行这些患者的治疗。
- Her past medical history is included TB but little else. 她以往的病史是肺结核,此外没有什么。
- At the hospital,the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history. 在医院,芯片能够告诉医生小患者的医药史。
- Her medical history was negative for previous trauma or coagulopathy. 患者没有既往创伤史以及凝血功能障碍。
- Or even go thru their medical history to ensure they didn't have a sex change? 或者去调查她们的体检历史来证明她们没有做过变性手术?
- Her past medical history included hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and bullous emphysema. 她的既往史包括:高脂血症、高血压和大疱性肺气肿。
- She also learned how to take a different kind of medical history,through stories like Mrs. 雷诺兹小姐还学会了,通过倾听病人的种种叙述来记录不同类型的病史。
- His case became a landmark in medical history, for smallpox is the first communicable disease ever to be got rid of. 最后一个天花病例成为医学史上划时代意义的里程碑。
- These corn plants are very vigorous. 这些玉米秧正茁壮生长。
- The surgeon asked his subordinates to make notes on the patient's medical history. 外科医生要他的下属记录病人的病历。
- The physical diagnosis includes the medical history and the physical examination. 物理诊断包括记病历和体格检查两部分。
- Past medical history included hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and chronic bronchitis. 既往史包括:高血压、岛素依赖型糖尿病和慢性气管炎。