- The shared base-class subobject is called a virtual base class . 共享的基类子对象称为虚基类。
- For example, a dynamic_cast from a virtual base class to a derived class. 例如,从虚拟基类到派生类的dynamic_cast。
- Virtual base classes offer a way to save space and avoid ambiguities in class hierarchies that use multiple inheritance. 虚基类提供了一种节省空间的方法,并可在使用多重继承性中避免产生二义性。
- virtual base class 虚基类
- In particular, the destructor for a base class normally should be virtual. 特别地,基类的析构函数常设为虚函数。
- Bill Monroe represents the virtual base of bluegrass. 比尔.;门罗代表了肯塔基音乐的发源。
- A sealed class cannot act as a base class. sealed类不能用作base类。
- A sealed class cannot be used as a base class. 密封类不能用作基类。
- There is a base class for each data format. 每种数据格式都有一个基类。
- The solution provides a single construction displacement adjustment, called a vtordisp field, for each virtual base of a class. 指针。该解决方案向类的各个虚拟基提供称作vtordisp字段的单个构造置换调整。
- The common base class for dialogs. 对话的公用基类。
- It serves as the base class for the. 类的基类。
- Represents the abstract base class from which all. 元素从中派生的抽象基类。
- Accesses the members of the base class. 访问基类的成员。
- Adds a vtordisp field when you have a virtual base with virtual functions. 当虚拟基有虚函数时
- This class is an abstract base class. 此类是一个抽象基类。
- Members in the shared virtual base can be accessed unambiguously and directly. 可以无二义性地直接访问共享虚基类中的成员。
- This class is the base class for all exceptions. 此类是所有异常的基类。
- Provides a base class for a member of a type. 为类型的成员提供基类。
- Provides a base class for implementations of the. 泛型接口的实现提供基类。