- Voluntary Army Detachment 志愿支援分遣队
- The attack forced a 40-mile gap in Army Group South between 4th Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf. 俄军的进攻火力使北部军团的第4坦克部队和德意志掷弹部队之间被一条40英里的壕沟所阻隔。
- At that time, we voluntary army, including 350,000 officers and soldiers just went across the bridge through Yalu River. 当年,我志愿军35万人马就是从这座桥上雄纠纠、气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江的。
- They faced a shell-shocked Fourth Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf, which had been granted no respite since the end of Operation Citadel. 他们面对的是只剩空壳的第4装甲集团军和“肯普夫”战役集群,他们自从“堡垒”计划开始以来就没有休整过。
- Forgive my opening out,it's used neither in yamun nor army.Not enough size and shape,in late Qing dynasty.It's used to protect the house or by voluntary army. 恕我直言,不是衙门的也不是军中的,尺寸和形制....不够,清晚的。看家护院的或是义军。
- They formed a voluntary army. 他们组成一支志愿军。
- The Wiking, Das Reich and Totenkopf Divisions were now operating under the command of the Eighth Army (formerly Army Detachment Kempf) during the withdrawal back to the Dnieper at Kremenchug. “维京”师、“帝国”师和“骷髅”师现在归第8集团军(由肯普夫战役集群改编)领导,从克列缅丘格撤到第聂伯河对岸。
- It is also necessary to employ Red Army detachments for operations in secondary directions; not all the forces of the Red Army should be concentrated. 置红军的支队于次要的作战方向也是必要的,不是一切都要集中。
- Leaders of founding a state in the mind of voluntary army 志愿军战士眼中的开国领袖们
- Home Army detachments from outside Warsaw which attempted to go to the city's aid were surrounded and disarmed by the Soviets. 城外的波兰本土军支队要进城救援,都被苏军包围以及解除武装。
- It is also necessary to employ Red Army detachments for operations in secondary directions;not all the forces of the Red Army should be concentrated. 置红军的支队于次要的作战方向也是必要的,不是一切都要集中。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。
- The firm went into voluntary liquidation. 那家商号自动停业清算债务。
- He answered with an air of detachment. 他以超然的神态回答。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- He made a voluntary statement to the police. 他自愿为警方作供。
- He showed detachment in his judgements. 他表现出独到的见解。
- Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年工人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。