- Vulnerability Analysis Team 弱点分析小队
- As with any vulnerability analysis, we start by identifying the components and their external communication paths. 与任何漏洞分析一样,我们从确定组件及其外部通信路径开始。
- A new network vulnerability analysis model is given by use of layered analysis in this paper. 摘要在被动网络节点脆弱性分析方法的基础上提出了一种新的基于主动攻击的网络脆弱性分析模型。
- Adopted layered analysis system, using vulnerability analysis function of water node to estimate the index value of the water node. 采用分层的分析体系,利用用水节点的脆弱性分析函数量化各节点的指标值。
- A simple and efficient high-resolution hydrocode is presented for air explosion loading assessments in ship structure vulnerability analysis and prediction. 摘要给出了一种舰船结构空中爆炸载荷的高精度数值计算程序。
- Leading problem solving and root cause analysis team consist of QC, PE and Design engineer. 领导由质量控制工程师,工艺工程师和设计工程师组成的质量问题解决和根源分析队伍。
- In recent years, more and more attention is paid to the network security. Network intrusion detection and network vulnerability analysis are active solution for network security problems, and they are too much important. 网络安全问题越来越受到人们的重视,网络入侵检测和网络脆弱性分析是主动的网络安全解决方案,是解决这一问题的重要手段之一。
- At last, applied vulnerability theory and risk evaluation measures of water supply network to the material projects of vulnerability analysis and risk evaluation of water supply network. 最后,将给水管网脆弱性理论和供水系统风险评估方法应用于给水管网脆弱性分析及风险评估的具体工程中。
- Finally, the simulation experiments, using specific examples once again show that the vulnerability analysis and risk assessment, and certification of the new assignment method is effective. 最后,通过仿真试验,用具体例证再次说明了漏洞分析与风险评估的关系,并验证了新赋值方法的有效性。
- It is a certain reference and important reality signification that the vulnerability analysis and lethality model of space tar get are researched, to strengthen our space defence ability. 该文的研究对加强我国的空间防御能力,具有一定的参考价值和重要的现实意义。
- Primary Job Responsibilities-Being part of the Marketing Insights and Analysis team, the Mgr of CAC will support advanced analytics for Auction Science and Paid Search. 赫庭企业管理顾问有限公司是一家为各类企业提供中高级人才整体解决方案的专业化咨询服务机构。
- Participant rural appraisal (PRA), capacity and vulnerability analysis (CVA), sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) and SWOT analyses are adopted in the paper. 采用“能力与脆弱性(CVA)分析框架”和“可持续生计(SLA)分析框架”相结合的模式进行分析;
- Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Unit; 弱点分析和绘图股;
- Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis 秘密弱点分析
- European Surface-to-Air Tactics Analysis Team 欧洲地(水面)对空战术分析小组
- Guidance and Control Analysis Team 制导与控制分析小组
- Regional Counterdrug Analysis Team 地区解瘾药分析小组
- Army Reprogramming Analysis Team 陆军编程分析分队
- CINCPAC Fleet Manpower Analysis Team 太平洋舰队人力分析小组
- A Geometrical Description Method Used for Aircraft Vulnerability Analysis 一种用于飞机易损性分析的几何描述方法