- After we decided to choose the German agents WACKER machinery. 经过选择我们决定代理德国威克机械。
- Proceed a few block and go over Chicago River bridge to Wacker Drive. 再往前几个街区,跨过芝加哥河大桥上到沃克车道。
- The world's first impact is rammed by the successful development of the Wacker. 世界上第一台冲击夯就是由威克研制成功的。
- The newly developed HDK series high speed air-cooled numerical control carving and milling mainshaft fills the domestic vacancy. 公司最新开发的HDK系列高速风冷数控雕铣电主轴填补国内空白。由于采用了它扇风冷的形式,大大地降低了电主轴躁声和振动。
- Order processing ,storage and worldwide despatch are restructured in Germany and the USA .The Wacker Logistics Center is set up near Munich. 1995年:订购,仓储和运输系统在德国和美国得到重建,威克的售后服务中心在慕尼黑成立。
- Exit at Wacker Drive. Stay to very right and go up ramp and proceed to third light, Michigan Avenue. 从沃克车道驶出,一直向右行上坡,第三个红绿灯处继到密西根大道。
- Practical training of customer staff in the maintenance, care and correct use of WACKER construction equipment. 有对威克设备的保养、爱护和正确使用方面进行培训的员工。
- The affiliate company opened in Canada is already Wacker 's 10th foreign subsidiary . 1967年:加拿大的加盟公司创立,这已是威克的第十个外国子公司。
- The recovery of the young Federal Republic was in full swing and WACKER equipment was eveywhere . 年青的联邦德国转向全面复兴时,威克的设备也开始在各地使用。
- The affiliate company opened in Canada is already Wacker ‘s 10th foreign subsidiary . 1967年:加拿大的加盟公司创立,这已是威克的第十个外国子公司。
- The Wacker Group has developed systems which minimize the amount of platinum catalyst needed for complete cure. 瓦克集团制定了系统的最小金额铂催化剂需要的完整的治疗。
- WACKER POLYMERS is the global leader for high-quality binders and polymer additives. 瓦克聚合物是全球高质量粘合剂和聚合物添加剂的市场领导者。
- Wacker Co., Ltd.is the cooperative company of German Wacker Chemistry Cooperation which provides the technical support. 中德瓦克公司是德国瓦克化学品公司载中国境内的技术支持与合作单位。
- WACKER Group's 2009 annual sales and operating profit projections will be significantly lower than 2008. 瓦克集团的2009年全年销售额和营业利润预测仍然将明显低于2008年。
- In the Group's total investment in that nearly two-thirds is Wacker sijicon business unit. 在集团的总投资额中,有近三分之二是在瓦克多晶硅业务部门。
- WACKER presence and expertise close at had ,thanks to branches and subsidiaries around the globe. 威克公司的态度和专业意见在于对世界范围的分公司和子公司的不懈支持和感谢.
- Only once have they progressed - in the 1970-71 Cup Winners Cup - they won 2-0 at Wacker Innsbruck. 只有一次他们成功晋级,那是在70-71赛季的欧洲优胜者杯中2-0战胜对手。
- WACKER customers is still very carefully, but in a short period of subscription product. 瓦克的客户仍然非常小心,只在短期限内订购产品。
- These motors are vibration-proof and winding class H ,which means that a WACKER internal vibrator can also withstand an uncooled run in the open without suffering any damage . 我们的发动机是防震的,这表明威克的内部振动器能够经得起常温下的无破损运行。