- You may contact the Manager(Wo Yi Hop Road Sports Ground) to correct or access your personal data. 若要求更正或索取你申报的个人资料,可与本练习场经理联络。
- Wo Yi Hop Road Cooked Food Market 和宜合道熟食市场
- On Chuk Street, Shek Pai Street, Tai Pak Tin Street, Lei Muk Road, Tung Chi Street, Shek Yam Road, Shek Yi Road, Wo Yi Hop Road, Tai Loong Street, 安足街,石排街,大白田街,梨木道,童子街,石荫路,石宜路,和宜合道,大陇街,石篱巴士总站,大陇街,围乪街,石排街,青山公路,蝴蝶谷道
- Lei Pui Street, Shek Pai Street, Wai Kek Street, Tai Loong Street, Wo Yi Hop Road, Cheung Wing Road, Cheung Wing Road Roundabout, Kwai Chung Road, 梨贝街,石排街,围乪街,大陇街,和宜合道,昌荣路,昌荣路迴旋处,葵涌道,葵富路,葵仁路,葵义路
- Wo Yi Hop Road, Cheung Wing Road, Cheung Wing Road Roundabout, Kwai Chung Road, Cheung Sha Wan Road, Tung Chung West Street, Castle Peak Road, 和宜合道,昌荣路,昌荣路迴旋处,葵涌道,长沙湾道,通州西街,青山道,钦州街,钦州街西,深旺道
- Tai Ho Road, Sha Tsui Road, Texaco Road, Tsuen Fu Street, Kwan Mun Hau Stret, Castle Peak Road, Kwok Shui Road, Cheung Wing Road, Wo Yi Hop Road 大河道,沙咀道,德士古道,荃富街,关门口街,青山公路,国瑞路,昌荣路,和宜合道
- Wo Yi Hop Fresh Water Pump House 和宜合食水泵房
- Wo Yi Hop No. 2 Fresh Water Tank 和宜合二号食水缸
- "Wo Yi Hop Pig Raising Co-operative Society, Limited" 和宜合养猪有限责任合作社
- Wo Yi Hop Fresh Water Tank 和宜合食水缸
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- Hop it now. I want to clear this room for meeting. 快走开,我要打扫这房间准备开会。
- I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- Hop in, I'll give you a lift to the station. 上车吧,我开车送你去车站。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- Flying many hop is you go to make in your flight? 你这次飞行打算中途停多少个地方?
- Wo yi ding hai zai cheng shuii would have been still asleep 我一定还在沉睡