- WTO j urisprudence 世界贸易组织法学
- The HKSAR is a founding member of the WTO. 香港特区是世贸的创始成员。
- The WTO was established on 1 January 1995. WTO创立于1995年1月1日。
- WTO accession will further encourage these reforms. 加入WTO后,这些改革的力度还将加强。
- China is a signing country of the WTO. 中国是世界贸易组织协约国之一。
- Q: China will soon join the WTO. 问:中国即将加入世贸组织。
- Can DSM of WTO Develop into the World Trade Court? WTO争端解决机制能演化为“世界贸易法院”吗?
- What's the difference between GATT and WTO? gatt和WTO的区别在哪里?
- To be or not to be: on China joins WTO? 中国入世:生存还是死亡?
- Where should telecom legislation go after WTO? 入世了,电信立法何去何从?
- Case studies on WTO trade in services II. 国际服务贸易成案研究2。
- There are dots above the letters i and j. 字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。
- WTO Entry Impact on Job Market in China? 中国入世对百姓就业有何影响?
- WTO and Challenge to State-owned Commercial Banks? 国有商业银行如何应对WTO的挑战?
- J: There's a huge cockroach under my chair. 有一只巨无霸蟑螂在我的椅子下面。
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 与中国法律改革2。
- Joanna (J) comes across a car crash on the highway. 琼安娜在高速公路上遭遇撞车事故。
- WTO is short for World Trade Organization. 是世界贸易组织的缩写。
- WTO membership will boost the reform in China. 将有力地推进中国的改革。
- With China getting into WTO, go ahead, guys! 现在中国已经加入世贸组织,伙计们,加油!