- War Office Order 陆军部命令
- The War Office responded to their complaints. 陆军部听取了他们的不平之鸣。
- The War Office issued a list of the missing. 陆军部发布失踪军人名单。
- Bloggs got back to the War Office in Whitehall at midnight. 布罗格斯是在午夜的时候回到白厅内的陆军部的。
- The officer ordered his men to dig in. 军官命令部下挖战壕自卫。
- The officer ordered his men to fire (at the enemy). 军官命令士兵(向敌人)射击。
- The resistances of the War Office were obstinate, and increased as the professional ladder was descended. 陆军部的反对非常固执,而且,军阶愈低的人,反对愈强烈。
- The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1931. 法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的,这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上,日期是1931年3月9日。
- George Bernard Shaw once quipped that “the British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office. 萧伯纳曾经戏谑,“英国士兵什么都不怕,就怕陆军部。”
- The officer ordered his men to fire. 军官命令他的士兵开枪。
- The officer ordered them to fire. 军官命令他们开火。
- It took six months to build the first Skink prototype.The vehicle performed very well at the testing grounds and was recommended by the senior War Office staff. 石龙子原型车的制造花了六个月的时间,她在试验场上的表现非常令人满意,并得到了军放高层的一致好感。
- The officer ordered he search the building. 长官命令他搜索这座大楼。
- The officer ordered the soldiers to stand in line. 军官命令士兵站成一排。
- Officer ordered the soldiers to stand up. 军官命令士兵们站好。
- The officer ordered his men to fire . 军官命令他的士兵开枪。
- The officer ordered that all the soldiers get ready. 军官命令士兵做好准备。
- The officer ordered that all the soldiers got ready. 军官命令士兵做好准备。
- The officer ordered his men to cease fire, ie stop shooting. 长官命令士兵停火(停止射击).
- The officer ordered the soldier to shoot at the civilians cruelly. 那军官下残忍地命令士兵向平民开枪射击。