- John Graybill, another Washington Mutual employee said he is optimistic. 华盛顿互惠银行另一位名叫约翰格雷比尔的雇员说,他感到乐观。
- TPG's $2 billion investment in Washington Mutual was largely wiped out when the thrift buckled. TPG(一家私募股权基金)投资于华盛顿互惠银行的20亿美元灰飞湮灭。
- This transaction which passes greatly with Morgan caused the Washington Mutual bank maintained 119 year independent announcement end. 与摩根大通的这项交易使华盛顿互助银行保持了119年的独立性宣告终结。
- Kelsey Wesley, a Washington Mutual employee says employees are nervous.But adds the company, commonly known as WaMu, has been good to them in the past. 一些分析人士表示,假如华盛顿互惠银行破产,联邦储蓄保险公司将不得不动用一半的政府保险资金。
- The dimon said in a teleconference that purchases the Washington Mutual bank the risk “to lie in the property value obviously”. 戴蒙在一次电话会议上说,收购华盛顿互助银行的风险“显然在于资产价值”。
- After a disastrous investment in Washington Mutual, a failed American bank, TPG was also doubtless under pressure to show some gains for investors. 在TPG灾难性的投资于华盛顿基金及一个失败的美国银行后,毫无疑问,面临重重压力给的他,需要给投资者展示一些他的收获。
- The FDIC may have special powers but it only allowed one biggish dismemberment during the crisis, that of Washington Mutual. 联邦存款保险公司也许能力不寻常,但在此次危机中也只批准了一例较大的分解案,即华盛顿互助银行的解体。
- For Washington Mutual (WaMu), a Seattle thrift that grew into America's sixth-biggest bank and came a cropper in subprime mortgages, the tab is $10 billion and counting. 西雅图的储蓄银行华盛顿互助银行已经成为美国第六大银行,但在次贷危机中却一败涂地,据不完全统计,其所欠款项达100亿美元。
- Washington Mutual have be saddled with billions of dollars of debt since it heavily invested in selling risky subprime mortgages to customers who in a while defaulted on them. 华盛顿互惠储蓄所把很多资产投在高风险的次级房贷上,但是由于很多贷款者无法偿还贷款而负债高达几十亿英镑。
- Such volatility is surely just a taster of what is to come: this month many of the financial contracts with the now-defunct Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual are to be settled. 这种波动肯定只是即将到来的麻烦的前奏:与已经死翘翘的雷曼兄弟公司和华盛顿互助银行所签订的许多金融合同要在这个月搞定。
- Got rid the Washington Mutual bank already was Morgan passes greatly in this financial crisis's second time gets rid, previous time, Morgan passed greatly takes over Bayles to ascend. 华盛顿互助银行的倒闭,使得美国联邦储蓄保险公司暂时转危为安。否则,如果为华盛顿互助银行的巨额储蓄提供保险,将会危及整个联邦储蓄保险。
- Kathleen Shanley, an analyst at GimmeCredit, recently caused a brief flurry by opining that creditors werewithdrawing funds from Washington Mutual (which the company quickly denied). 你的逻辑关系不对,你的话暗示因为辟谣及时所以只造成了 短暂 的恐慌。原文的意思是分析师一个报告就可以造成恐慌。
- I'd like to buy a ticker to Washington. 我要买一张去华盛顿的火车票。
- It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely. 密切合作将为我们业务的顺利开展提供保证。
- The statue of Washington was as large as life. 华盛顿的塑像和真人一般大小。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。
- We shall go from London to Washington via New York. 我们将从伦敦经过纽约到华盛顿。
- We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。
- Mutual understanding is essential to friendship. 相互理解对友谊至关重要。
- The story was a Washington Post exclusive. 这篇报导是《华盛顿邮报》的独家新闻。