- Article 39 At the location of water withdrawal, a water right owner shall install a water quantity measurement device and compile and file an annual water usage record based on monthly water usage and actual volume in use. 第39条(水权人之义务)水权人应在取水地点装置量水设备,并将全年之逐月用水情形、实用水量,填具用水纪录表报查。
- Analysis on water quantity measuring method under standard consistency of cement 关于水泥标准稠度用水量测定方法的分析探讨
- Water quantity measuring 水质测定
- He does quantity measuring job in the factory. 他在工厂里做计量工作。
- Error Analysis of Water Quantity Measurement of Special Water-measuring Device in Irrigation District 灌区特设量水设备水量监测误差分析
- By measuring the losing water quantity during the dormnt period, it was found that the physiological drought by water losing of the tested shoots was the main injury for the raspberry shoots in winter. 越冬枝条失水状况调查结果表明,树莓枝条在越冬期间抽条现象较为严重,为树莓越冬的主要伤害。
- The solid is not stained with belt easily to flake, and reduce the cleaning water quantity. 污泥不粘滤布,易于剥落,可减少清洗水用量。
- In order to determine and measure the water quantity in oil crude Liebherr has developed a sensor unit. 为了确定和测量原油中的水含量,利勃海尔开发了传感器。
- Especially fleshy qualitative bine, leaf kind flowers, should control more water quantity. 尤其是肉质茎、叶类花卉,更应控制浇水量。
- Conclusion:The canine tooth A exploding apparatus and the water quantity of 5% is the best way to manufacture t... 结论:A式犬齿爆裂装置加水5%25的工艺为制备单层薄层珍珠层粉的最佳工艺。
- The water quantity simulated result is accordant with the actual situation of the Zhangweinan Basin. 该模型对于漳卫南流域水量模拟与实际比较一致。
- Rural water supply from plain reservoirs has advantage of water quality, water quantity and convenience. 平原水库集中供水实现村村通自来水,具有水质、水量、使用方便的优越性;
- Article 25 The authority-in-charge may reassign water quantity in use according to the prevailing usage when joint owners of a water right have a dispute over the quantity in use. 第25条(共同取得水权之重行划定)共同取得之水权,因用水量发生争执时,主管机关得依用水现状重行划定之。
- The flow sensor made the leaf wheel change the pulse signal,the computer use the pulse number to record the heat water quantity. 流量传感器将叶轮转动信号转换成电脉信号,计算机通过记录脉冲数实现对流过的高温水进行累计测量;
- The total water quantity of the earth is about 13.86 hundreds of millions km3, the ocean salt water is 94% , and the fresh wa ter is 6% . 地球总水量约为13.;86亿km3;海洋咸水约占总水量的94%25;淡水约占总水量的6%25。
- The hydrology is a science to study natural water movement, the change state and rule of the water quantity and quality in time and space. 水文是研究自然界水的运动、水的数量和质量在时间和空间上变化状况及变化规律的一门学科。
- In the midwinter time with weather chill, little capacity, flowers grows extremely slow, stop to grow even, water quantity should little. 在天气严寒、蒸发量少的隆冬时节,花卉生长极其缓慢,甚至停止生长,浇水量应少。
- It is advisable that water quantity crosses an artifice with dip, add some of hot water not discontinuously, in order to carry water lukewarm. 水量以浸过手腕为宜,并不间断地加些热水,以保持水温。
- Under the critical condition,reliability of reclaimed water quantity was analyzed perfectly in timescale of perday,month and year,respectively. 在分析海拉尔区现状城市污水量、污水处理量的基础上,预测了该区2007年水平年城市污水量、污水处理量和再生水量。
- Soak to have done experiment research with water quantity and the influence of soaking time to absorbing the resin in the liq... 对吸液率测定中树脂浸泡用水量和泡时间的影响作了探索。