- Water use mechanism 用水机制
- Sometimes the shortages are caused by too much water use. 太多的用水有时候造成短缺。
- Ball bib cock, nickel plated and stainless steel, for water use ... 查看“机械及工业制品-通用零部件-阀门”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Studies on water use efficiency differences of genotypes and their mechanism of physiology and biochemistry in Populus under different water treatments. 不同水分处理下黑杨新品系间水分利用效率的差异及其机理研究。
- We must use mechanical hoisting to load the goods. 我们必须用起重机来装载货物。
- S There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor in terms of water use. 在用水方面,贫、富之间有很大差距。
- There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor in terms of water use. 在用水方面,贫、富之间有很大差距。
- How important to safeguard existing water uses? 确保现有用水的重要性?
- Sources of water used in production? Tested or not? 生產用水来源,是否有化验结果?
- This research tries to use mechanism design to solve the technology pricing problem. 本研究以机制设计的观点来试图解决技术定价的问题。
- The water used for cleansing the body. 浴水用来清洗身体的水温泉温泉疗养地;温泉。
- Winterize any other water using equipment. 冬天有其他用水设备.
- Salt water used for preserving and pickling foods. 卤水用来保存或腌制食物的盐水
- They use mechanical stokers to feed coal into the furnace. 他们用自动加煤机给炉子添煤。
- Familiar to use mechanical testing/measuring equipment. 熟练使用测试/测量仪器。
- Use manufacturing processes and equipment that are efficient in water use. 采用能有效节省用水的生产方法及器械。
- And Under the same irrigation water use, AFI can not decrease maize yield. 在同等灌水量水平下 ,采用交替隔沟灌溉不降低玉米产量 ;
- A widely used mechanism, effective in both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems, relies on the use of semaphores . 信号量作为一种同步机制,在单处理器和多处理器系统里都是有效的,因而得到广泛使用。
- Never mouth pipette anything. Use mechanical pipetting devices only! 不可用口做吸量操作.
- How do you prioritise between competing potential water uses? 在潜在用水竞争中,如何安排优先权?