- In order to solve the problem,the calculation formula of microwave attenuation constant and phase constant of weakly ionized dusty plasma was deduce. 为了解决这一矛盾,在尘埃等离子体理论基础上,导出了弱电离尘埃等离子体的微波衰减常数和相位常数计算公式。
- Theoretical analysis of microwave attenuation constant of weakly ionized dusty plasma 尘埃等离子体微波衰减常数的理论分析
- Weakly ionized dusty plasma 弱电离尘埃等离子体
- Dusty plasma is defined as partially or fully ionized plasma consisting of, besides electrons and ions, (usually) negatively charged micron-sized dust particles with variable charges. 这是一种部分或完全电离的等离子体,其基本成分除了电子和离子外,还有(通常)带负电的、且电荷不是常数的微粒。
- The present thesis aims mainly at studying Mach cones in 2D dusty plasma. 本文旨在研究二维尘埃等离子体中的马赫锥现象。
- In chapter two, the small but infinite amplitude dust acoustic wave (DAW) in a collisionless, unmagnetized two-ion-temperature cold dusty plasma has been studied. 论文第二章研究未磁化的、无碰撞的、双温度离子的冷尘埃等离子体中的有限小振幅尘埃声波。
- Secondly, a hydrodynamic model is proposed to study the laser excited Mach cones in a 2D magnetized dusty plasma, with particular attention being paid to the effect of the magnetic field on the structure of Mach cones. 其次,在第三章中,我们利用流体模型理论来研究外磁场对激光诱导二维尘埃等离子体中马赫锥现象的影响。
- weakly ionized plasma 弱电离等离子体
- The Bohm criterion for the dusty plasma sheath 尘埃等离子体鞘层的玻姆判据
- The characteristic parameters for dusty plasmas of rocket exhaust plume and polar mesosphere are estimated and analyzed based on their practical data. 对火箭喷焰和地球极区中层大气尘埃等离子体的特征参量做了定量估计和分析。
- It seems that: 1. For the power law distribution (PLD) cases, the DAW in the cold dusty plasma propagate quicker than that of the mono-sized dusty plasma. It is found that the DASW for PLD dusty plasmas is lower than that of the mono-sized dusty plasmas. 结果表明:1.;将尘埃颗粒大小呈Power Law Distribution (PLD)分布的双温度离子冷尘埃等离子体中的尘埃声孤波与尘埃颗粒大小相同的尘埃等离子体中的尘埃声孤波相比;其传播速度满足v_0>(?)
- The dusty road made the travelers dusty too. 满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。
- In chapter three, the effect of dust size distribution for the two-dimensional DAW in the collisionless, unmagnetized two-ion-temperature hot dusty plasmas has been studied by considering the higher order transverse perturbation. 论文第三章研究在高阶横向扰动下,不同尘埃颗粒大小分布对未磁化的、无碰撞的含有两种不同温度离子的热尘埃等离子体中二维尘埃声波的影响。
- The propagation of solitons in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma 非均匀尘埃等离子体中孤子的传播
- State equation and thermal capacity of a dusty plasma 尘埃等离子体状态方程及其热容量研究
- Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent. 他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬着,热得汗水淋淋。
- weakly ionized gas 弱电离气体
- A plasma globulin of high molecular weight. 大球蛋白细胞分子中较重的血球蛋白
- weakly ionized 弱离子化杂质氨