- Design and Implementation of Effective Web Server Load Balancer 一种有效的Web负载均衡器的设计与实现
- Web Server Load Balance Web服务器的负载均衡
- Load Balance in Web Server Cluster and its Implementation Web服务器群集负载平衡技术与实现
- Based on the given structural model of distributed web server system,a new dynamic load balancing algorithm which is periodic update and in which both static content and dynamic content are included is proposed. 通过分析服务器对静态内容和动态内容处理过程的不同,在给出分布式网络服务器系统结构模型的基础上,提出了一个新的将静、动态内容分配都考虑在内的周期更新动态负载分配算法;
- By using load balancing technology, the visit to the web server is distributed to several servers. This kind of load balancing is independent of the users, which makes the web service as being provided by just one web server on the whole. 利用负载均衡的技术,按照一定策略将Web 访问服务分配到几台服务器上,负载处理对用户透明,整体上对外如同一台Web 服务器为用户提供Web服务。
- The Study and Processing of Web Server Load WEB服务器的负载研究与处理
- Storing session data in memory precludes the effective use of load balancing on a farm of Web servers. 存储会话数据,在排除了内存有效利用负载平衡的一个农场的网络服务器。
- Service providers often have many powerful web servers that can be shared by several companies. You can also expect them to have an effective load balancing, and necessary backup servers. 服务提供商经常有很多可以被几个公司共享的强大的服务器。你也可以期待他们提供有效的下载平衡以及必要的后备服务器。
- Implementation of Load Balancing in Distributed Web Server 分布式Web服务器中负载均衡的实现
- Load Balancing Technology of Web Server under Linux Environment Linux环境下的Web服务器负载均衡技术初探
- Provide a complete, high performance, multi-thread world wide web server. 提供一个完整、高效、多线程的万维网服务器。
- In the meantime, we are continuing to work on play balance, as well as testing server load and other important issues. 目前,我们还在继续对游戏的平衡做调整,比如说测试服务器的负载和其他重要的问题。
- The Web server is just one application. 网站服务器只是一个应用程序。
- server load balance 服务器负载均衡
- Gets or sets the height of the Web server control. 获取或设置Web服务器控件的高度。
- Gets or sets the width of the Web server control. 获取或设置Web服务器控件的宽度。
- Balance is primarily used as a tool to load balance http requests. Balance主要被用作负载均衡http请求的工具。
- The child Web server controls of the ButtonField. ButtonField的子Web服务器控件。
- The page is posted to the Web server. 页面发送到Web服务器。