- Launch the process Web client and test the process. 加载流程Web客户端并测试流程。
- After the server is started. Open the BPE Web client. 启动服务器后,打开BPE Web客户端。
- Stores ASP.NET page view state on the Web client in a hidden HTML element. 用一个隐藏的HTML元素存储Web客户端上的ASP.;NET页视图状态。
- The custom Web client can be used to manage business processes and work items. 可以使用自定义Web客户端管理业务流程及工作项。
- You do not have to use the Process Web Client to administer a process. 您没必要使用Process Web Client来管理流程。
- In this section we will look at the Business Process API and discuss the steps to create the Web client. 在这部分中我们将查看Business Process API并讨论创建Web客户端的步骤。
- WebSphere Process Server includes an extensible Web Client that you can use to work with tasks or processes. WebSphere Process Server包括可扩展的Web客户机,可以用于处理任务或者流程。
- Select the Sales Web Client application, right-click, and choose Design Application System. 选择Sales Web Client应用程序,右击并选择“设计应用程序系统”。
- As a result, the activity is shown in the instance monitor of the process choreographer Web client. 那么,该活动就会因此显示在流程编排器Web客户端的实例监控器中。
- Web client and server can keep sessions through some unique cookie strings to distinguish states from each other. Web应用的服务端和某一客户端可以通过一个相对惟一的Cookie值来维系一个Session,从而达到状态识别的目的。
- The website established on the basis of XML technology , will transfer most processions from web server to web client. 通过应用XML的各种技术所建立起来的网站,使得大部分处理负载可以从Web服务器转到Web客户端;
- Like the WeatherForecast Web service, the Web client also needs to be configured to understand the internationalization context. 像WeatherForecast Web服务一样,Web客户端需要配置后才能理解国际化上下文。
- This included the application client and web client in client tier, the design of EJB in middle tier and the design of metadata database in data tier. 本文根据的是J2EE的三层计算模型,对每一层的实现进行了具体的阐述,包括客户层的应用程序客户端和Web客户端的实现,中间层的EJB组件的实现,数据层元数据库的设计和建立。
- Web clients view the pages with a program called a web browser. 网络用户使用称作网页浏览器的程序来浏览页面。
- Digital certificates took a big step forward in June when Netscape shipped the Communicator 4.0 Web client with support for X.509,Version 3,a digital certificate standard. 今年6月,当Netscape公司交付支持X.;509三版数字证明标准的Communicator 4
- IIS receives Outlook Web Access client requests as a proxy for message traffic between a Web client and an Exchange 2003 server or an Exchange 2000 server. IIS作为Web客户端与Exchange 2003服务器或Exchange 2000服务器之间的邮件通信的代理接收Outlook Web Access客户端请求。
- If the.NET Framework isn't available, a Web client application typically has to generate a Diffgram by writing the code to construct the Diffgram format. 如果.;NET框架不可用;则Web客户端应用程序通常必须生成一个Diffgram;方法是编写用来构造Diffgram格式的代码。
- The HTTP protocol is used for sending requests from a web client (a browser) to a web server returning web content (web pages) from the server back to the client. HTTP协议的作用是将网络客户端(通常为浏览器)的请求发送到web服务器,并将服务器端处理的内容结果(以网页的形式)传回客户端。
- Digital certificates took a big step forward in June when Netscape shipped the Communicator 4.0 Web client with support for X.509, Version 3, a digital certificate standard. 今年6月,当netscape公司交付支持x.;509三版数字证明标准的communicator4
- The number of worker threads is independent of the number of Web clients. 工作线程的数量与Web客户机的数量无关。