- Wen Wang Wu Zhen 文王舞阵
- The four are Huang Gongwang, Ni Zan, Wu Zhen and Wang Meng, who were all excellent painters of mountains and water scenes. 黄公望、倪瓒、吴镇和王蒙,他们代表了中国山水画史上的一个高峰。
- Very often, the innovations of poetry in the Yuan and Ming dynasties were caused by poems on paintings, authors of which include Ni Zan, Wu Zhen, Wang Mian, Shen Zhou, Xu Wei and Tang Yen. 摘要元明诗文的新变化,常常首先出现在倪珊、吴镇、王冕、沈周、徐渭、唐寅等诗画家的作品之中,诸如人伦教化因素逐渐减弱,主观情怀、人生意味的表现日益增强,清新通俗、激锐酣畅和滑稽风趣的风格形式等等。
- The appearance of Ni Zan’s “Yiqi theory” and Wu Zhen’s “Shi Xing theory” make the thinking of enjoyable drawing to its peak. 赵孟頫的“书画同源”强调以书入画使得笔墨逐渐摆脱了实用价值而趋向独立审美。
- If go again Immanuel Li Si, li Si is solved to cover, but Wang Wu is met again bedding bag lives. 就算这个股评家神通广大,威力无比,那么了救了张三,张三解放了,但李四就会被套住,李四又要受苦了。
- Zhang slope field personnel to leave Beijing, Wu Zhen is a light Auto Parts Factory retired workers, not long ago, two disputes arising from the issue of housing lease. 张坡是外地来京务工人员,吴珍是某轻型汽车配件厂退休工人,前不久,二人因房屋租赁问题产生纠纷。
- Autumn View from a Garden by Wang Wu of the Qing Dynasty.The picture portrays a sleeping mynah on a plum branch,presenting an air of traquility and harmony. 一只八哥熟睡在倒挂的白梅枝上,枝下水波荡漾。画面设色淡雅,八哥以工笔细描,梅枝造型舒展,气氛静谧而和谐。
- Lingtai history has been the establishment of the territory of Micronesia姞name to be States, in 1057 BCzhou wen wang cutting Micronesia Lingtai be built and the county were there. 历史上灵台境内曾建立姞姓密须国,公元前1057年周文王伐密须且筑灵台,县因此而名。
- 'You are disgracing our Wang Wu Clan. 韦小宝点头道:“众位都是王屋派的?”
- Wang Zhen is the general manager of WINTIM Inc. 王震是问天公司的总经理。
- From right to left at the front hereof are Yi Sheng, Tian Peng, Tian You and Zhen Wu in turn, back to Bi Huan, Wen Qiong, Deng Bowen and Gou Zhang accordingly. 正面从右至左依次为:翊圣元帅、天蓬元帅、天猷元帅、真武元帅;背面从右至左依次为:苟章元帅、邓伯温元帅、温琼元帅、毕环元帅。
- I am of the same age as Wang Wen. 我的年龄和王文一样大。
- Wang Wen has a habit similar to that of David. 王文有一个和大卫类似的习惯。
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友谊宾馆,我是王涛。
- Aunt Wu came in, followed by her daughter. 吴大娘走了进来,后面跟着她女儿。
- Mr. Wang, Iet me introduce my friend, Yu Wen Fa. 黄先生,让我介绍我的朋友,余文发。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允许我把吴小姐给您介绍。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。