- Wendlandia oliganthan. 龙州水锦树
- Garcinia oligantha Merr. 单花山竹子
- In summation, Cryptocarya chinensis, Castanopsis hystrix, Wendlandia for mosana were found to be most resistant to termite;while Scheffleraoctapkylla, and Litsea cubeba were the least resistant. 十二种树材中,以厚壳桂、火烧柯、水金京等3种树材之抗蚁性最为优良,而以江某、山胡椒最为低劣。
- uvarialeaf wendlandia leaf and root 水锦树
- Sect. 1. Oliganthan. 短喙蒲公英组
- Garcinia oliganthan. 单花山竹子
- Corydalis oliganthan. 少花紫堇
- Glycosmis oliganthan. 少花山小橘
- Pyramidatae oliganthan. 少花豆腐柴
- Wendlandia brevipaniculatan. 吹树
- Ser. Oliganthan. 寡花系
- Wendlandia erythroxylonn. 红木水锦树
- Callicarpae oliganthan. 罗浮紫珠
- Wendlandia formosanan. 水金京
- Championella oliganthan. 少花黄猄草
- Wendlandia parvifloran. 小花水锦树
- Erycibe oliganthan. 疏花丁公藤
- Wendlandia pingpienensisn. 屏边水锦树
- Luzula oliganthan. 华北地杨梅
- Wendlandia pubigeran. 大叶木莲红